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beunique90 beunique90
Posts: 539
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6 years ago
In which order will the nurse take these actions when doing a dressing change for a partial-thickness burn wound on a patient's chest? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice A, B, C, D, E.)
  a. Apply sterile gauze dressing.
  b. Document wound appearance.
  c. Apply silver sulfadiazine cream.
  d. Administer IV fentanyl (Sublimaze).
  e. Clean wound with saline-soaked gauze.

Question 2

The nurse estimates the extent of a burn using the rule of nines for a patient who has been admitted with deep partial-thickness burns of the anterior trunk and the entire left arm.
  What percentage of the patient's total body surface area (TBSA) has been injured?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

A young adult patient who is in the rehabilitation phase 6 months after a severe face and neck burn tells the nurse, I'm sorry that I'm still alive. My life will never be normal again. Which response by the nurse is best?
  a. Most people recover after a burn and feel satisfied with their lives.
  b. It's true that your life may be different. What concerns you the most?
  c. It is really too early to know how much your life will be changed by the burn.
  d. Why do you feel that way? You will be able to adapt as your recovery progresses.

Question 4

An 80-kg patient with burns over 30 of total body surface area (TBSA) is admitted to the burn unit.
  Using the Parkland formula of 4 mL/kg/TBSA, what is the IV infusion rate (mL/hour) for lactated Ringer's solution that the nurse will administer during the first 8 hours?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Which nursing action is a priority for a patient who has suffered a burn injury while working on an electrical power line?
  a. Obtain the blood pressure.
  b. Stabilize the cervical spine.
  c. Assess for the contact points.
  d. Check alertness and orientation.

Question 6

Which action will the nurse include in the plan of care for a patient in the rehabilitation phase after a burn injury to the right arm and chest?
  a. Keep the right arm in a position of comfort.
  b. Avoid the use of sustained-release narcotics.
  c. Teach about the purpose of tetanus immunization.
  d. Apply water-based cream to burned areas frequently.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

D, E, C, A, B
Because partial-thickness burns are very painful, the nurse's first action should be to administer pain medications. The wound will then be cleaned, antibacterial cream applied, and covered with a new sterile dressing. The last action should be to document the appearance of the wound.

The answer to question 2

When using the rule of nines, the anterior trunk is considered to cover 18 of the patient's body and each arm is 9.

The answer to question 3

This response acknowledges the patient's feelings and asks for more assessment data that will help in developing an appropriate plan of care to assist the patient with the emotional response to the burn injury. The other statements are accurate, but do not acknowledge the anxiety and depression that the patient is expressing.

The answer to question 4

600 mL
The Parkland formula states that patients should receive 4 mL/kg/TBSA burned during the first 24 hours. Half of the total volume is given in the first 8 hours and then the last half is given over 16 hours: 4  80  30 = 9600 mL total volume; 9600/2 = 4800 mL in the first 8 hours; 4800 mL/8 hr = 600 mL/hr.

The answer to question 5

Cervical spine injuries are commonly associated with electrical burns. Therefore stabilization of the cervical spine takes precedence after airway management. The other actions are also included in the emergent care after electrical burns, but the most important action is to avoid spinal cord injury.

The answer to question 6

Application of water-based emollients will moisturize new skin and decrease flakiness and itching. To avoid contractures, the joints of the right arm should be positioned in an extended position, which is not the position of comfort. Patients may need to continue the use of opioids during rehabilitation. Tetanus immunization would have been given during the emergent phase of the burn injury.
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