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LMauney@UOR LMauney@UOR
Posts: 327
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6 years ago
A patient experiencing a swollen scrotum is found to have fluid within the scrotum. Which health problem should the nurse suspect this patient will need to have treated?
  1. a hydrocele
  2. a spermatocele
  3. a variocele
  4. scrotal cancer

Question 2

A patient who is complaining of heaviness in his scrotum has learned that his serum lactic acid dehydrogenase level is normal. This information should indicate to the nurse that the patient:
  1. needs more diagnostic tests for testicular cancer.
  2. has testicular cancer.
  3. does not have testicular cancer.
  4. has a spermatocele.

Question 3

A patient who is being treated for epididymitis stops taking his antibiotics. The nurse realizes that this patient is at risk for developing which health problem?
  1. orchitis
  2. priapism
  3. hydrocele
  4. spermatocele

Question 4

A 40-year-old male is diagnosed with epididymitis. What should the nurse consider as being the potential causes for this disorder?
  Select all that apply.
  1. urinary tract infection
  2. prostatitis
  3. unprotected anal intercourse
  4. gonorrhea
  5. undiagnosed congenital disorder

Question 5

A patient comes into the emergency department with complaints of an erection that has lasted for more than four hours. What should the nurse include in the patient's assessment?
  1. prescribed medications
  2. substance abuse
  3. blood pressure
  4. number of sexual partners

Question 6

A female patient asks the nurse for help because her husband has not been able to attain an erection in several months. What can the nurse do to help this patient?
  1. Assess for the most recent sexual practices.
  2. Suggest that she seek psychiatric counseling.
  3. Suggest that they both see a marriage counselor.
  4. Provide a prescription for tadalafil (Cialis).
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1
A hydrocele, which is the most common cause of scrotal swelling, is a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis. A hydrocele may be differentiated from a solid mass by transillumination or ultrasound of the scrotum. A spermatocele is a mobile, usually painless mass that forms when efferent ducts in the epididymis dilate and form a cyst. A varicocele is an abnormal dilation of a vein within the spermatic cord. It is caused by incompetent or congenitally missing valves that allow blood to pool in the spermatic cord veins. The dilated vein forms a soft mass that may be painful. Scrotal cancer would be manifested by a solid mass rather than a fluid-filled area.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1
Elevations in serum lactic acid dehydrogenase levels are associated with the presence of testicular cancer, and may be significantly elevated when metastatic disease is present. This laboratory test is a less specific indicator of testicular cancer than the human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein. The levels alone are not sufficient to make a diagnosis of cancer and should promote further testing. Levels of serum lactic dehydrogenase would not be useful in diagnosis of spermatocele.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1
Orchitis is an acute inflammation or infection of the testes. It most commonly occurs as a complication of a systemic illness or as an extension of a genitourinary infection, such as epididymitis. Priapism, hydrocele, and spermatocele are conditions of the male reproductive system but are not associated with the presence of an infectious condition.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3
In men older than 35, epididymitis is usually associated with a urinary tract infection or prostatitis. Men who practice unprotected anal intercourse may acquire sexually transmitted epididymitis. Urethritis, not epididymitis, would be consistent with gonorrhea. Congenital disorders are not associated with epididymitis.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1
Men who use intracavernous injection therapy or tadalafil (Cialis) for erectile dysfunction are at risk for priapism. Substance abuse assessment and blood pressure measurements would be included in any admission process but do not have a direct influence on the sustained erection. Number of sexual partners is not related to the problem.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1
It is essential for health care providers to understand the patient and partner's sexual pattern in order to provide appropriate, individualized care. It is premature to suggest marital or psychiatric counseling. Prescribing medications is beyond the nurse's scope of practice.
LMauney@UOR Author
6 years ago
Extremely helpful
6 years ago
Cool, thanks for the positive feedback
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