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lmo12 lmo12
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6 years ago
A patient is diagnosed with a corneal abrasion. What should the nurse instruct this patient?
  1. Do not share or use another person's eye makeup.
  2. Only share a towel with family members.
  3. Gently rub the eyes when itchy.
  4. Use the prescribed eye drops until the symptoms disappear.

Question 2

A patient comes into the clinic complaining of black spots and a curtain dropping in the right eye. The nurse realizes that this patient is experiencing signs of what health problem?
  1. detached retina
  2. conjunctivitis
  3. sty
  4. cataract

Question 3

The nurse is instructing a patient on the self-instillation of eye drops for acute conjunctivitis. What is the most important step for the nurse to teach this patient?
  1. proper hand hygiene before instilling the drops
  2. rub the eyes only when necessary
  3. reuse cotton swabs as needed
  4. insert contact lenses after the eye drops have been instilled

Question 4

A patient is learning how to apply and care for a new set of contact lenses. What should the nurse include when teaching the patient about the use of these lenses?
  Select all that apply.
  1. Wash hands before and after applying the lenses.
  2. Eye pain is a common complaint and should not be a concern.
  3. Distilled water is the best solution for the lenses.
  4. Once applied, only remove when cloudy.
  5. Contact eye physician if eyes become red or tear.

Question 5

A patient who became blind in the left eye because of an industrial accident says, I still have one good eye, and I can still do a lot. What should the nurse realize this patient is demonstrating?
  1. acceptance
  2. denial
  3. remorse
  4. anticipatory grieving

Question 6

During a health history interview the nurse becomes concerned that a patient is at risk for a genetic hearing disorder. On what information did the nurse base this clinical decision?
  Select all that apply.
  1. The patient's mother, age 76, uses hearing aids.
  2. The patient's father had tubes in the ears as a child.
  3. The patient's brother lost his hearing because of a thyroid disorder.
  4. The patient's sister was treated for ear drainage after swimming.
  5. The patient's nephew had surgery to remove a tumor on the acoustic nerve.

Question 7

During an assessment the nurse suspects that a victim of a motor vehicle crash is a narcotic substance user. Which assessment findings would confirm the nurse's suspicion?
  Select all that apply.
  1. small pupils
  2. dilated pupils
  3. unequal pupil size
  4. poor pupillary response to light
  5. one dilated and unresponsive pupil

Question 8

The nurse is assessing a patient with retinitis pigmentosa. Which findings should the nurse identify as consistent with this health problem?
  Select all that apply.
  1. loss of visual acuity
  2. loss of peripheral vision
  3. progressive night blindness
  4. one dilated, unresponsive pupil
  5. reduced perception of blue-green tones
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1
Teach all patients about proper eye care, including the importance of not sharing makeup and towels, avoiding rubbing or scratching the eyes, and preventing trauma and infection. Rubbing the eyes may further cause trauma or injury. Prescribed medications must be taken as long as ordered.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1
Flashes of light, floaters, or the sensation of a curtain being drawn over the eye are indicators of retinal detachment. Conjunctivitis presents with pain, redness, and possible discharge. A sty would demonstrate swelling and tenderness. Cataracts manifest with opacity of the eye.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1
Hand hygiene is the single most important measure to prevent transmission of infection to the eye. Rubbing the eyes and reuse of cotton swabs should be avoided as they can contribute to infection. Contact lenses should be avoided until the infection has resolved.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1, 5
Contact lens care includes hand hygiene; keeping the storage case clean; removing the lenses before sleep and storing them in the appropriate container; using appropriate wetting solution for the lenses; not using homemade or solutions or water for the lenses; contacting eye care professional if eyes become red, tear, experience a vision loss, or pain occurs; and not sharing contact lenses or allowing another person to try on lenses.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1
Acceptance of the change from sighted to blind is characterized by releasing the hope that vision will be regained. Denial would be manifested by a refusal to believe that the condition is permanent. Remorse involves feeling apologetic about the events. Anticipatory grieving involves feeling sorrow for an upcoming event.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1, 3, 5
Hereditary hearing impairment (HHI) is believed to account for more than 50 of childhood hearing loss and can also manifest later in life. Most HHI follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. Heredity is also increasingly recognized as a contributor to presbycusis. Pendred syndrome is an inherited disorder that accounts for as much as 10 of hereditary deafness. The deafness is usually accompanied by a thyroid goiter. Neurofibromatosis, a rare inherited disorder, is characterized by the development of acoustic neuromas or benign tumors of the auditory nerve. Tubes in the ears may have been used to treat ear infections; ear drainage is an indication of an infection. These situations do not increase the patient's risk for a genetic hearing loss.

The answer to question 7

Correct Answer: 1, 4
The use of morphine and narcotic drugs may cause small pupils with poor response to light. The use of anticholinergic drugs such as atropine may cause dilated, poorly responsive pupils. Pupils that are unequal in size may indicate previous eye surgery or a serious neurologic problem, such as increased intracranial pressure. One dilated and unresponsive pupil may indicate paralysis of the oculomotor nerve.

The answer to question 8

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3
Retinitis pigmentosa results in progressive night blindness, with loss of visual acuity and peripheral vision. A patient who has one dilated and unresponsive pupil may have paralysis of the oculomotor nerve. A change in blue-green perception is an age-related change caused by the atrophy of photoreceptor cells in the eyes.
lmo12 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for always stepping in by helping me with my homework
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