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dymasraja dymasraja
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6 years ago
A client is being discharged on warfarin (Coumadin) therapy. What discharge instructions is the nurse required to provide? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Dietary restrictions
  b. Driving restrictions
  c. Follow-up laboratory monitoring
  d. Possible drug-drug interactions
  e. Reason to take medication

Question 2

A client with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm reports dizziness and severe abdominal pain. The nurse assesses the client's blood pressure at 82/40 mm Hg. What actions by the nurse are most important? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Administer pain medication.
  b. Assess distal pulses every 10 minutes.
  c. Have the client sign a surgical consent.
  d. Notify the Rapid Response Team.
  e. Take vital signs every 10 minutes.v

Question 3

A client has peripheral arterial disease (PAD). What statement by the client indicates misunderstanding about self-management activities?
  a. I can use a heating pad on my legs if it's set on low.
  b. I should not cross my legs when sitting or lying down.
  c. I will go out and buy some warm, heavy socks to wear.
  d. It's going to be really hard but I will stop smoking.

Question 4

A nurse is caring for a client on IV infusion of heparin. What actions does this nurse include in the client's plan of care? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Assess the client for bleeding.
  b. Monitor the daily activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) results.
  c. Stop the IV for aPTT above baseline.
  d. Use an IV pump for the infusion.
  e. Weigh the client daily on the same scale.

Question 5

Which statements by the client indicate good understanding of foot care in peripheral vascular disease? (Select all that apply.)
  a. A good abrasive pumice stone will keep my feet soft.
  b. I'll always wear shoes if I can buy cheap flip-flops.
  c. I will keep my feet dry, especially between the toes.
  d. Lotion is important to keep my feet smooth and soft.
  e. Washing my feet in room-temperature water is best.

Question 6

A client has been diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis and is to be discharged on warfarin (Coumadin). The client is adamant about refusing the drug because it's dangerous. What action by the nurse is best?
  a. Assess the reason behind the client's fear.
  b. Remind the client about laboratory monitoring.
  c. Tell the client drugs are safer today than before.
  d. Warn the client about consequences of noncompliance.

Question 7

A client with a history of heart failure and hypertension is in the clinic for a follow-up visit. The client is on lisinopril (Prinivil) and warfarin (Coumadin). The client reports new-onset cough. What action by the nurse is most appropriate?
  a. Assess the client's lung sounds and oxygenation.
  b. Instruct the client on another antihypertensive.
  c. Obtain a set of vital signs and document them.
  d. Remind the client that cough is a side effect of Prinivil.

Question 8

A nurse is caring for a client with a nonhealing arterial lower leg ulcer. What action by the nurse is best?
  a. Consult with the Wound Ostomy Care Nurse.
  b. Give pain medication prior to dressing changes.
  c. Maintain sterile technique for dressing changes.
  d. Prepare the client for eventual amputation.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

ANS: A, C, D, E
The Joint Commission's Core Measures state that clients being discharged on warfarin need instruction on follow-up monitoring, dietary restrictions, drug-drug interactions, and reason for compliance. Driving is typically not restricted.

The answer to question 2

ANS: B, D, E
This client may have a ruptured/rupturing aneurysm. The nurse should notify the Rapid Response team and perform frequent client assessments. Giving pain medication will lower the client's blood pressure even further. The nurse cannot have the client sign a consent until the physician has explained the procedure.

The answer to question 3

Clients with PAD should never use heating pads as skin sensitivity is diminished and burns can result. The other statements show good understanding of self-management.

The answer to question 4

ANS: A, B, D
Assessing for bleeding, monitoring aPTT, and using an IV pump for the infusion are all important safety measures for heparin to prevent injury from bleeding. The aPTT needs to be 1.5 to 2 times normal in order to demonstrate that the heparin is therapeutic. Weighing the client is not related.

The answer to question 5

ANS: C, D, E
Good foot care includes appropriate hygiene and injury prevention. Keeping the feet dry; wearing good, comfortable shoes; using lotion; washing the feet in room-temperature water; and cutting the nails straight across are all important measures. Abrasive material such as pumice stones should not be used. Cheap flip-flops may not fit well and won't offer much protection against injury.

The answer to question 6

The first step is to assess the reason behind the client's fear, which may be related to the experience of someone the client knows who took warfarin. If the nurse cannot address the specific rationale, teaching will likely be unsuccessful. Laboratory monitoring once every few weeks may not make the client perceive the drug to be safe. General statements like drugs are safer today do not address the root cause of the problem. Warning the client about possible consequences of not taking the drug is not therapeutic and is likely to lead to an adversarial relationship.

The answer to question 7

This client could be having an exacerbation of heart failure or be experiencing a side effect of lisinopril (and other angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors). The nurse should assess the client's lung sounds and other signs of oxygenation first. The client may or may not need to switch antihypertensive medications. Vital signs and documentation are important, but the nurse should assess the respiratory system first. If the cough turns out to be a side effect, reminding the client is appropriate, but then more action needs to be taken.

The answer to question 8

A nonhealing wound needs the expertise of the Wound Ostomy Care Nurse (or Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse). Premedicating prior to painful procedures and maintaining sterile technique are helpful, but if the wound is not healing, more needs to be done. The client may need an amputation, but other options need to be tried first.
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