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rimaaazzz rimaaazzz
Posts: 542
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6 years ago
After educating a caregiver of a home care client, a nurse assesses the caregiver's understanding. Which statement indicates that the caregiver needs additional education?
  a. I can help him shift his position every hour when he sits in the chair.
  b. If his tailbone is red and tender in the morning, I will massage it with baby oil.
  c. Applying lotion to his arms and legs every evening will decrease dryness.
  d. Drinking a nutritional supplement between meals will help maintain his weight.

Question 2

A nurse is caring for a client who has a pressure ulcer on the right ankle. Which action should the nurse take first?
  a. Draw blood for albumin, prealbumin, and total protein.
  b. Prepare for and assist with obtaining a wound culture.
  c. Place the client in bed and instruct the client to elevate the foot.
  d. Assess the right leg for pulses, skin color, and temperature.

Question 3

A nurse cares for a client who has a deep wound that is being treated with a wet-to-damp dressing. Which intervention should the nurse include in this client's plan of care?
  a. Change the dressing every 6 hours.
  b. Assess the wound bed once a day.
  c. Change the dressing when it is saturated.
  d. Contact the provider when the dressing leaks.

Question 4

When transferring a client into a chair, a nurse notices that the pressure-relieving mattress overlay has deep imprints of the client's buttocks, heels, and scapulae. Which action should the nurse take next?
  a. Turn the mattress overlay to the opposite side.
  b. Do nothing because this is an expected occurrence.
  c. Apply a different pressure-relieving device.
  d. Reinforce the overlay with extra cushions.

Question 5

A nurse assesses clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which client is at greatest risk for pressure ulcer development?
  a. A 44-year-old prescribed IV antibiotics for pneumonia
  b. A 26-year-old who is bedridden with a fractured leg
  c. A 65-year-old with hemi-paralysis and incontinence
  d. A 78-year-old requiring assistance to ambulate with a walker
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Massage of reddened areas over bony prominences such as the coccyx, or tailbone, is contraindicated because the pressure of the massage can cause damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue layers. The other statements are appropriate for the care of a client at home.

The answer to question 2

A client with an ulcer on the foot should be assessed for interruption in arterial flow to the area. This begins with the assessment of pulses and color and temperature of the skin. The nurse can also assess for pulses noninvasively with a Doppler flowmeter if unable to palpate with his or her fingers. Tests to determine nutritional status and risk assessment would be completed after the initial assessment is done. Wound cultures are done after it has been determined that drainage, odor, and other risks for infection are present. Elevation of the foot would impair the ability of arterial blood to flow to the area.

The answer to question 3

Wet-to-damp dressings are changed every 4 to 6 hours to provide maximum dbridement. The wound should be assessed each time the dressing is changed. Dry gauze dressings should be changed when the outer layer becomes saturated. Synthetic dressings can be left in place for extended periods of time but need to be changed if the seal breaks and the exudate leaks.

The answer to question 4

Bottoming out, as evidenced by deep imprints in the mattress overlay, indicates that this device is not appropriate for this client, and a different device or strategy should be implemented to prevent pressure ulcer formation.

The answer to question 5

Being immobile and being incontinent are two significant risk factors for the development of pressure ulcers. The client with pneumonia does not have specific risk factors. The young client who has a fractured leg and the client who needs assistance with ambulation might be at moderate risk if they do not move about much, but having two risk factors makes the 65-year-old the person at highest risk.
rimaaazzz Author
6 years ago
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