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Same.sha Same.sha
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6 years ago
A nurse is discharging a client to a short-term rehabilitation center after a joint replacement. Which action by the nurse is most important?
  a. Administering pain medication before transport
  b. Answering any last-minute questions by the client
  c. Ensuring the family has directions to the facility
  d. Providing a verbal hand-off report to the facility

Question 2

A nurse works in the rheumatology clinic and sees clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Which client should the nurse see first?
  a. Client who reports jaw pain when eating
  b. Client with a red, hot, swollen right wrist
  c. Client who has a puffy-looking area behind the knee
  d. Client with a worse joint deformity since the last visit

Question 3

After a total knee replacement, a client is on the postoperative nursing unit with a continuous femoral nerve blockade. On assessment, the nurse notes the client's pulses are 2+/4+ bilaterally; the skin is pale pink, warm, and dry;
  and the client is unable to dorsiflex or plantarflex the affected foot. What action does the nurse perform next?
  Document the findings and monitor as prescribed.
  Increase the frequency of monitoring the client.
  Notify the surgeon or anesthesia provider immediately.
  Palpate the client's bladder or perform a bladder scan.

Question 4

A client has a continuous passive motion (CPM) device after a total knee replacement. What action does the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) after the affected leg is placed in the machine while the client is in bed?
  a. Assess the distal circulation in 30 minutes.
  b. Change the settings based on range of motion.
  c. Raise the lower siderail on the affected side.
  d. Remind the client to do quad-setting exercises.

Question 5

What action by the perioperative nursing staff is most important to prevent surgical wound infection in a client having a total joint replacement?
  a. Administer preoperative antibiotic as ordered.
  b. Assess the client's white blood cell count.
  c. Instruct the client to shower the night before.
  d. Monitor the client's temperature postoperatively.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

As required by The Joint Commission and other accrediting agencies, a hand-off report must be given to the new provider to prevent error. The other options are valid responses but do not take priority.

The answer to question 2

All of the options are possible manifestations of RA. However, the presence of one joint that is much redder, hotter, or more swollen that the other joints may indicate infection. The nurse needs to see this client first.

The answer to question 3

With the femoral nerve block, the client should still be able to dorsiflex and plantarflex the affected foot. Since this client has an abnormal finding, the nurse should notify either the surgeon or the anesthesia provider immediately. Documentation is the last priority. Increasing the frequency of assessment may be a good idea, but first the nurse must notify the appropriate person. Palpating the bladder is not related.

The answer to question 4

Because the client's leg is strapped into the CPM, if it falls off the bed due to movement, the client's leg (and new joint) can be injured. The nurse should instruct the UAP to raise the siderail to prevent this from occurring. Assessment is a nursing responsibility. Only the surgeon, physical therapist, or specially trained technician adjusts the CPM settings. Quad-setting exercises are not related to the CPM machine.

The answer to question 5

To prevent surgical wound infection, antibiotics are given preoperatively within an hour of surgery. Simply taking a shower will not help prevent infection unless the client is told to use special antimicrobial soap. The other options are processes to monitor for infection, not prevent it.
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