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Camptastic213 Camptastic213
Posts: 352
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6 years ago
Discuss in detail the nature of the strategic drivers of wireless adoption. Give a brief example of each.

Question 2

A form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic, entertainment, cultural, social, or other type of high-interest public activity is known as ____.
 a. cause-related marketing
  b. event sponsorship
  c. promotion
  d. event promotion
  e. activity-based marketing

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT a probability sample?
 a. Simple random sample
  b. Stratified sample
  c. Cluster sample
  d. Judgment sample
  e. All of these are probability samples.

Question 4

Employees are not impressed by corporate efforts in social media marketing.
 a. True
  b. False
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

Construct a scenario about a day in the life of a consumer in an environment that is characterized by pervasive computing and media convergence.

Question 6

Well over half of expenditures spent on event sponsorship goes toward sponsoring ____.
 a. sporting events
  b. cultural events
  c. social events
  d. non-profit organizations
  e. children's activities

Question 7

Which of the following statements does NOT describe a probability sample?
 a. Some members of the population have a zero chance of being included in the sample.
  b. Each member of the population has a known chance of being included in the sample.
  c. Each member may not have an equal chance of being included in the sample.
  d. A member's probability of inclusion is determined by the specific procedure that is used to select sample elements.
  e. The concept of sampling distribution is crucial.

Question 8

Customers will say unfavorable things about brands anyway, so it is important to listen to them, although no response is required.
 a. True
  b. False
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The drivers are:

 Context (both localization and personalization) (a coupon delivered as a shopper walks by a store in a shopping mall)
 Time sensitivity (the coupon is also a good example here)
 High value (seems obvious, but the coupon must be of sufficient value to warrant the intrusion)
 Availability of one-click payment mechanisms (entering a substantial amount of data on small keyboards is difficult and prone to error; that makes the coupon a good idea, since it is redeemed at the retail point of purchase)
 Security (how does the marketer convince the consumer that it is safe to accept and use the coupon)
 Respect for privacy (if mobile marketers spam the consumer, a way will be found to cut them off)
 Use of expanded permission marketing (ask the consumer when, where, how, and how often she is willing to be contacted; then develop systems that confirm to her wishes, which is harder). What if she has already received two wireless promotions this week, and that is the limit she has set?

Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5

This is an update of an essay question designed to get students to think about the world in which we all are living. You could make it more specifica student, for example but it tends to work well to let students choose their own context.

Do hold them to some discussion of pervasive computing and of media convergence (you might or might not want to make the question specific about that). It will be good if they use their creative imagination, but they should stick with the technology available or at least visible on the horizon at present. There is plenty of that to make life interesting without going into cartoon-type adventure fantasy.

Answer to #6


Answer to #7


Answer to #8

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