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romankn romankn
Posts: 546
Rep: 2 0
6 years ago
Ray put the finishing touches on the presentation and verified that everything was in order. He had been working with this buyer for over six months and felt confident about the impending sale. Today's sales presentation to all members of the buying team, including the buyer's boss, should seal the deal and dramatically improve Ray's sales commission this month.
  Ray began his presentation and was discussing the key benefits of his product when something unanticipated occurred. As Ray noted, Among the key benefits of our product . . .. the buyer's boss suddenly stood up and said, This is crap This is all crap and stormed out of the room.
  Aghast, Ray wondered what to do next.
  What should Ray do now?

Question 2

Ray put the finishing touches on the presentation and verified that everything was in order. He had been working with this buyer for over six months and felt confident about the impending sale. Today's sales presentation to all members of the buying team, including the buyer's boss, should seal the deal and dramatically improve Ray's sales commission this month.
  Ray began his presentation and was discussing the key benefits of his product when something unanticipated occurred. As Ray noted, Among the key benefits of our product . . .. the buyer's boss suddenly stood up and said, This is crap This is all crap and stormed out of the room.
  Aghast, Ray wondered what to do next.
  Is there anything Ray could have done ahead of time to anticipate the CEO's reaction?

Question 3

Ray put the finishing touches on the presentation and verified that everything was in order. He had been working with this buyer for over six months and felt confident about the impending sale. Today's sales presentation to all members of the buying team, including the buyer's boss, should seal the deal and dramatically improve Ray's sales commission this month.
  Ray began his presentation and was discussing the key benefits of his product when something unanticipated occurred. As Ray noted, Among the key benefits of our product . . .. the buyer's boss suddenly stood up and said, This is crap This is all crap and stormed out of the room.
  Aghast, Ray wondered what to do next.
  What caused the CEO's outburst?

Question 4

Amanda was disturbed by her sales manager Madeline's request. Initially, the request seemed reasonable: Madeline asked Amanda to pose as a customer and call competitors to gather pricing, service, and new product information. Madeline could then use this information to enhance their company's position.
  After pondering the request, Amanda wondered, Is this ethical? Would I get in trouble if the competitor finds out I'm not really a customer?
  Just then, Madeline walked into Amanda's office.
  Amanda, Madeline stated, I need that pricing information tomorrow. Have you started contacting competitors yet?
  Amanda thought quickly and responded . . .
  Are there any sources of information other than customers that Amanda could use to appease her supervisor?

Question 5

Amanda was disturbed by her sales manager Madeline's request. Initially, the request seemed reasonable: Madeline asked Amanda to pose as a customer and call competitors to gather pricing, service, and new product information. Madeline could then use this information to enhance their company's position.
  After pondering the request, Amanda wondered, Is this ethical? Would I get in trouble if the competitor finds out I'm not really a customer?
  Just then, Madeline walked into Amanda's office.
  Amanda, Madeline stated, I need that pricing information tomorrow. Have you started contacting competitors yet?
  Amanda thought quickly and responded . . .
  Is it illegal and/or unethical to pose as a customer?

Question 6

Chris knew that the annual sales meeting was approaching and what would be expected. In the past, sales representatives were expected to provide sexual favors for the sales managers, vice presidents, and even the CEO. Although Chris had often considered resigning, family issues in a poor economy made resignation an unviable option. And, as a field sales rep working out of a home office, Chris faced this hostile work environment only once a year. Nevertheless, Chris was filled with a sense of dread after checking the answering machine. Devon, the sales manager, had just called again to find out when Chris would arrive for the sales meeting.
  Chris decided that the situation was intolerable and something must be done. After a great deal of thought, Chris returned Devon's phone call.
  Answering the phone, Devon said, Hey Chris, good to hear from you. What time will you be arriving next week?
  Chris took a deep breath and then replied . . .
  Are women the only targets of sexual harassment?

Question 7

Chris knew that the annual sales meeting was approaching and what would be expected. In the past, sales representatives were expected to provide sexual favors for the sales managers, vice presidents, and even the CEO. Although Chris had often considered resigning, family issues in a poor economy made resignation an unviable option. And, as a field sales rep working out of a home office, Chris faced this hostile work environment only once a year. Nevertheless, Chris was filled with a sense of dread after checking the answering machine. Devon, the sales manager, had just called again to find out when Chris would arrive for the sales meeting.
  Chris decided that the situation was intolerable and something must be done. After a great deal of thought, Chris returned Devon's phone call.
  Answering the phone, Devon said, Hey Chris, good to hear from you. What time will you be arriving next week?
  Chris took a deep breath and then replied . . .
  Does Chris have any options in this situation?

Question 8

Matt was so excited He finally had the chance to demonstrate the Capstone Capital Cooker to the president and CEO of a large corporation. The presentation was going well (Matt had practiced it many times), and the president and CEO appeared to be very interested. Matt plugged the cooker in, set the chicken on the grill, and said, I sure hope everyone's hungry. You won't be able to resist this dish after I've finished
  As Matt continued to review the benefits of the product, he noticed the grill was taking longer than usual to heat up. He commented on the weather while he checked the electrical outlet. It was then that he noticed sparks and smoke coming from inside the electric grill mechanism.
  Matt was taken completely by surprisehe had never anticipated that the product might fail. He wondered to himself, What in the world should I do now?
  How should Matt address the customer's concern about the product quality?

Question 9

Matt was so excited He finally had the chance to demonstrate the Capstone Capital Cooker to the president and CEO of a large corporation. The presentation was going well (Matt had practiced it many times), and the president and CEO appeared to be very interested. Matt plugged the cooker in, set the chicken on the grill, and said, I sure hope everyone's hungry. You won't be able to resist this dish after I've finished
  As Matt continued to review the benefits of the product, he noticed the grill was taking longer than usual to heat up. He commented on the weather while he checked the electrical outlet. It was then that he noticed sparks and smoke coming from inside the electric grill mechanism.
  Matt was taken completely by surprisehe had never anticipated that the product might fail. He wondered to himself, What in the world should I do now?
  Is there anything Matt could have done prior to his sales presentation that might have averted the product malfunction?

Question 10

Dan was smiling to himself and feeling rather smug as he approached his next customer. After slaving away in a mediocre territory, he had been rewarded with a promotion to a more lucrative area. Today Dan was meeting with Billy Bob, the purchasing agent for a large company in Dan's new territory. Billy Bob had always been a loyal customer, and although this was their first meeting, Dan fully expected a large order would result from the sales call today.
  Smiling, Dan entered, offered Billy Bob his hand, and said, Hello, I'm Dan from Manfred Enterprises. How are you
  Before Dan could even get the words out of his mouth, Billy Bob broke in.
  Who the hell are you? Where's my buddy Irvin? You know we've been doing business together for almost 12 years now. I just don't deal with anybody else, much less a greenhorn. Where the hell is Irvin? We spent a lot of time togetherhell, we darn near shut down Sam's Saloon one night. I'll just have to call Irvin at home and see what the hell is going on..
  Dan recalled Irvin bragging about the order he received one night at Sam's Saloon. Dan also knew that Irvin had been fired for drinking on the job.
  Dan was struck with a sense of panic. How could he respond to Billy Bob's comments without risking the account?
  Should Dan take Billy Bob out for drinks to appease him?
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Thanks for your help <3
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