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aharden0629 aharden0629
Posts: 325
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6 years ago
In estimating the difference between two population means, if a 90 confidence interval estimate includes zero, then we can conclude that there is a 90 chance that the difference between the two population means is zero.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

Nonparametric methods depend on:
 a. the distribution of the population being sampled.
  b. more confining restrictions than their parametric counterparts.
  c. many assumptions about the parent population.
  d. None of the above is correct.

Q. 3

For a continuous random variable x, P(6 < x < 8) is represented by the area under the probability function over the interval from 6 to 8.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

Suppose a 90 confidence interval for the mean time it takes to serve a customer at a drive-in bank is 120 seconds to 220 seconds. At the 90 confidence level, there is not enough evidence to conclude that the mean service time is not 200 seconds.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 5

Which one of the following statements is correct in describing the nonparametric tests?
 a. The nonparametric methods require us to make assumptions about the distribution of the population from which the measurements come.
  b. The underlying probability theory for the nonparametric method is often a binomial distribution.
  c. The nonparametric methods generally use difficult to calculate test statistics.
  d. The z is used as a test statistic for most nonparametric tests because we need to assume that the variable is normally distributed.

Q. 6

If x denotes a continuous random variable, P(x = c) = 0 for every number c.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 7

Suppose a 90 confidence interval for the mean time it takes to serve a customer at a drive-in bank is 120 seconds to 220 seconds. In repeated sampling 90 of the intervals constructed using the appropriate formula will contain the actual mean time.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 313
Rep: 3 0
6 years ago
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My teacher is very rude and likes to speed his way through a lesson without letting the class ask questions. Thank you for helping me. You're a life saver Slight Smile
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