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ineedananswertb ineedananswertb
Posts: 356
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6 years ago
Why does the video say you should be tested before giving up gluten completely?
 A. Gluten is a necessary nutrient.
  B. If you don't have celiac disease, eating gluten-free will not help you.
  C. You might be allergic to gluten-free products.
  D. The symptoms you are trying to resolve by not eating gluten might be due to another cause.

Q. 2

Suppose researchers find that an item that is not highlighted on the menu is ordered by 10 of 100 customers who looked at the menu. Given this information, what can you conclude about whether highlighting makes customers more likely to order an item?
 A. Nothing.
  B. Highlighting an item on the menu makes it more likely customers will order the item.
  C. Highlighting an item on the menu makes it less likely customers will order the item.
  D. 10 of customers order the item regardless of whether it is highlighted or not.

Q. 3

Suppose researchers conduct an experiment where they distribute two different versions of a menu to diners: one in which the menu item of interest is set apart in a text box (version A) and one in which it is not (version B). Then, researchers record how many times that menu item is ordered. Which of the following would help researchers understand if setting the menu item apart in a text box increased the likelihood the item is ordered?
 A. The researchers could compare the number of customers who saw version A of the menu to the number of customers who saw version B of the menu.
  B. The researchers could compare the number of times that customers who saw version A of the menu ordered the item to the number of times that customers who saw version B of the menu ordered the item.
  C. The researchers could compare the percentage of times that customers who saw version A of the menu ordered the item to the percentage of times that customers who saw version B of the menu ordered the item.
  D. The researchers could compare the percentage of customers who saw version A of the menu to the percentage of customers who saw version B of the menu.

Q. 4

Suppose a restaurant offers a chicken sandwich on their menu. Of the following ways to list the sandwich on the menu, which is not a method the video suggests will increase sales of that sandwich?
  B. chicken sandwich
  C. Chicken Sandwich
  D. Succulent Italian Chicken Sandwich

Q. 5

A positive correlation (or relationship) between two variables means that as one increases, the other increases. In contrast, a negative correlation means that as one increases, the other decreases. If a higher credit score indicates a better credit history, then the video implies that the correlation between credit scores of a partner and the number of years the relationship with that partner lasts (relationship longevity) is
 A. positive
  B. negative

Q. 6

What type of variable is a credit score?
 A. Qualitative
  B. Quantitative
  C. Categorical
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