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pretty_yas pretty_yas
Posts: 342
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6 years ago
The largest concentration of Muslims is located in what American city?
 a. San Francisco
  b. New York
 c. Chicago
 d. Detroit
 e. Seattle

Q. 2

Compared to refined foods, high-fiber, unprocessed, or lightly processed foods aid in weight loss because they provide _____.
 a. less absorption, resulting in fewer kcalories
 b. a faster transit time through the intestinal tract
 c. the same number of kcalories in a larger amount of food
  d. bulk and satiety for fewer kcalories
 e. extra nutrients in smaller portions

Q. 3

Nearly all recently-arrived Bosnian refugees in the United States are
 a. Muslim.
 b. Christian.
 c. Hindu.
 d. Jewish.
 e. Buddhist.

Q. 4

As part of a sensible weight-loss plan, individuals should _____.
 a. eat breakfast
 b. eliminate some meals
 c. always eat a few large meals instead of several small meals
  d. restrict water intake
 e. limit daily intake to less than 1200 kcal/day

Q. 5

The religion of most Greeks is
 a. Roman Catholic.
 b. Protestant.
 c. Eastern Orthodox.
 d. Judaism.
 e. Islam.

Q. 6

Sarah is trying to lose 10 pounds. Which recommendation would you make?
 a. Reduce your kcalorie intake by 100-200 kcalories a day and engage in 15 minutes of exercise per day.
 b. Ask your physician for a prescription for orlistat.
 c. Replace two meals each day with a bowl of cereal.
 d. Reduce your kcalorie intake by 300-500 kcalories a day and engage in at least 250 minutes of physical activity per week.
  e. Drink smoothies at every meal and engage in at least 300 minutes of physical activity per week.

Q. 7

Which U.S. city has the largest Slovenian community in the nation?
 a. Denver
 b. Los Angeles
 c. Sacramento
 d. Minneapolis
 e. Cleveland
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Posts: 304
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Appreciate this a lot, answers were right.
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