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ineedananswertb ineedananswertb
Posts: 356
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6 years ago
Describe the central defect in type 2 diabetes and the adverse side effects high levels of blood glucose have on the body.

Q. 2

Kati is a 27-year-old Caucasian who works as a bank teller. She is 5'3 tall and weighs 102 pounds. She began experiencing recurrent gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, steatorrhea, and flatulence several months ago. She made an appointment with her physician after noticing that she was losing weight. Laboratory tests confirmed a diagnosis of celiac disease.
  What does Kati need to understand about the role of oats in her diet?
 a. She should purchase only uncontaminated oats and consume limited quantities.
  b. She should not consume oats in any form.
  c. She should limit her consumption of oats to 1 cup of dry rolled oats per day.
  d. She will need to learn how to prepare oats correctly for consumption.

Q. 3

M.J. has come to you for counseling on healthy weight loss. She is 35 years old and 150 pounds overweight. Her mother died of a heart attack at the age of 65 . Outline a successful weight management program for her and discuss how she would be most likely to succeed with this.

Q. 4

Kati is a 27-year-old Caucasian who works as a bank teller. She is 5'3 tall and weighs 102 pounds. She began experiencing recurrent gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, steatorrhea, and flatulence several months ago. She made an appointment with her physician after noticing that she was losing weight. Laboratory tests confirmed a diagnosis of celiac disease.
  Kati will require nutrition education aimed at eliminating gluten from her diet. The dietitian will teach Kati to:
 a. avoid all cereal and grain products.
  b. substitute whole-wheat flour for enriched wheat flour when cooking.
  c. check ingredient lists on food labels carefully.
  d. avoid all milk and milk products.

Q. 5

Discuss cognitive behavioral therapy for weight management and list the 12 components of weight-management programs based on this type of therapy.

Q. 6

Kati is a 27-year-old Caucasian who works as a bank teller. She is 5'3 tall and weighs 102 pounds. She began experiencing recurrent gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, steatorrhea, and flatulence several months ago. She made an appointment with her physician after noticing that she was losing weight. Laboratory tests confirmed a diagnosis of celiac disease.
  If Kati does not eliminate gluten from her diet, she could likely experience all of the following except:
 a. anemia.
  b. infertility.
  c. bone disorders.
  d. hypertension.

Q. 7

List factors related to a client's motivation to engage in a weight-loss program, and in his or her ability to adhere to a treatment plan.

Q. 8

Kati is a 27-year-old Caucasian who works as a bank teller. She is 5'3 tall and weighs 102 pounds. She began experiencing recurrent gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, steatorrhea, and flatulence several months ago. She made an appointment with her physician after noticing that she was losing weight. Laboratory tests confirmed a diagnosis of celiac disease.
  Kati is at greatest risk of malabsorption of:
 a. the macronutrients.
  b. the water-soluble vitamins.
  c. the B vitamins.
  d. sodium, potassium, and chloride.

Q. 9

Describe what is meant by the term obesogenic environment. Discuss how one might reduce these effects to achieve successful weight loss.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Defective production of insulin paired with insulin resistance is the defect in type 2 diabetes. Short-term adverse effects of high glucose include frequent urination, increased thirst, increased hunger, fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, increased susceptibility to infection, and delayed wound healing. Long-term effects include heart disease, hypertension, blindness, kidney failure, stroke, and the loss of limbs.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

M.J. would likely benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, which emphasizes healthy and realistic weight loss goals as well as skill development in meal-planning, problem solving, and stress management. A support system and regular exercise would also help her achieve her goals.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Key features are helping the client to recognize and replace automatic and irrational thoughts and beliefs (cognitive restructuring), and increasing awareness and control of cues associated with eating (stimulus control).
The 12 components are:
1) Realistic goals 2) Caloric deficit 3) Meal plan 4) Skill development 5) Problem-solving techniques 6) Self-monitoring and self-management 7) Cognitive restructuring 8) Stress management 9) Support system 10) Regular exercise 11) Maintenance and 12) Long-term effectiveness

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

Several factors contribute to understanding the client's motivation to engage in a weight-loss program: reasons and motivation for weight reduction, previous weight-loss attempts, the patient's understanding of causes of obesity and how obesity contributes to several diseases, existing comorbidities, attitude toward physical activity, capacity to engage in physical activity, time available for weight-loss intervention, and financial considerations.
A patient's nutrition knowledge, food access, food selection, and functional capacity to prepare food and engage in physical activity are all important for individualized treatment planning.

Answer to #8


Answer to #9

Obesogenic environment refers to the sum of the influences that the environment has on one's ability to control his or her weight. Food advertising, easy availability and lower cost of non-nutritious foods and beverages, larger portions served in fast food and sit down restaurants, and added fat and sugar in many foods work against healthy eating and contribute towards the obesity epidemic. Increases in technology have led to decreased physical activity, and occupations, social factors, and relationships may all cause significant stress.
Significant lifestyle changes are required to combat this, such as limiting viewing of television and other advertising, cutting back on convenience foods and meals eaten out, increasing physical activity, and adopting stress-reduction techniques.
6 years ago
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad Smiling Face with Open Mouth
6 years ago
we do it for the love of comments
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