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s.l.green s.l.green
Posts: 274
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6 years ago
Gastric juices provide the primary digestive enzymes in the small intestine.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 2

A client is discussing her weight loss efforts with a dietitian. She is complaining that she has only lost 8 pounds in the last several months. The dietitian responds by saying, I am impressed that you have managed to change your eating habits, though. That is progress.. This response is an example of which type of communication?
 a. motivational interviewing
  b. probing
 c. clarifying
 d. summarizing
 e. conveying respect

Q. 3

More than 50 of the small intestine has to be removed before any significant reduction in its capability is observed.
 a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

The general purpose of nutrition education is to:
 a. answer questions about healthcare procedures and practices.
  b. foster a sense of cooperation between clients and their families.
  c. empower people to study health and nutrition.
 d. educate clients about disease processes.
 e. maintain or improve health.

Q. 5

RD is a 29 yo F admitted with intractable diarrhea and abdominal pain. She has a PMH of Crohn's disease and has had two previous resections of the small bowel. She frequently has pain in the RLQ after eating. She claims the pain often gets so bad that she is afraid to eat and has been progressively consuming below her caloric needs. She currently takes Asacol and Lomotil to manage the symptoms of Crohn's disease. After undergoing a colonoscopy, an obstruction resulting from stricture in the terminal ileum was discovered. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the obstruction and a resection was done with the remaining intestine. RD's gastroenterologist recommends bowel rest and expects her to have a full recovery. HT: 5'4 WT: 110 UBW: 122 Diet: NPO Meds: Asacol, Lomotil Alb. 2.7 Pre-Alb. 17 Na: 138 Cl: 98 BUN: 5 Glucose: 80 K: 3.6 CO2: 25 Cr: 0.8 Which types of foods would the nutritionist suggest for RD in rehabilitation during a period of remission?
 a. foods high in oxalate
 b. low-residue foods
 c. foods that contain antioxidants
  d. lactose-free foods
 e. foods without glutamine

Q. 6

A basic guideline for providing nutrition education, regardless of the setting includes:
 a. using technical jargon to sound professional.
 b. dressing informal so that nobody is intimidated
 c. describing the job duties of the dietitian.
 d. explaining the relationship of nutrition to health and disease.
  e. using body language that creates a sense of power.

Q. 7

RD is a 29 yo F admitted with intractable diarrhea and abdominal pain. She has a PMH of Crohn's disease and has had two previous resections of the small bowel. She frequently has pain in the RLQ after eating. She claims the pain often gets so bad that she is afraid to eat and has been progressively consuming below her caloric needs. She currently takes Asacol and Lomotil to manage the symptoms of Crohn's disease. After undergoing a colonoscopy, an obstruction resulting from stricture in the terminal ileum was discovered. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the obstruction and a resection was done with the remaining intestine. RD's gastroenterologist recommends bowel rest and expects her to have a full recovery. HT: 5'4 WT: 110 UBW: 122 Diet: NPO Meds: Asacol, Lomotil Alb. 2.7 Pre-Alb. 17 Na: 138 Cl: 98 BUN: 5 Glucose: 80 K: 3.6 CO2: 25 Cr: 0.8 Which condition would most likely place RD at risk of folate deficiency?
 a. anorexia
 b. healing after surgery
  c. medication use
 d. high-volume diarrhea
  e. blood loss

Q. 8

A tip to consider when writing instructional materials for the public might be to:
 a. put together a plan for organizing information.
 b. always ask available professionals to give feedback before publishing.
 c. read over the document once after writing to look for errors or missed information.
  d. use technical terms to sound professional.
 e. avoid using bullets and numbers.

Q. 9

RD is a 29 yo F admitted with intractable diarrhea and abdominal pain. She has a PMH of Crohn's disease and has had two previous resections of the small bowel. She frequently has pain in the RLQ after eating. She claims the pain often gets so bad that she is afraid to eat and has been progressively consuming below her caloric needs. She currently takes Asacol and Lomotil to manage the symptoms of Crohn's disease. After undergoing a colonoscopy, an obstruction resulting from stricture in the terminal ileum was discovered. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the obstruction and a resection was done with the remaining intestine. RD's gastroenterologist recommends bowel rest and expects her to have a full recovery. HT: 5'4 WT: 110 UBW: 122 Diet: NPO Meds: Asacol, Lomotil Alb. 2.7 Pre-Alb. 17 Na: 138 Cl: 98 BUN: 5 Glucose: 80 K: 3.6 CO2: 25 Cr: 0.8 RD's frequent diarrhea most likely puts her at risk of which nutrient deficiency?
 a. calcium
 b. iron
 c. vitamin D
 d. vitamin B12
  e. magnesium
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6 years ago
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s.l.green Author
6 years ago
I'm still confused, but thanks for answering correctly
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