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dymasraja dymasraja
Posts: 564
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6 years ago
____________________ is a behavioral contract with agreed upon rewards for specific behaviors.
 a. Contingency contract
  b. Reciprocal determinism
  c. Cognitive restructuring
  d. All of the above

Q. 2

Your friend Jane is pregnant and you go out to a party with a group of friends. You see Jane take a beer and begin drinking it. Describe what you would say to Jane to tactfully address this situation.

Q. 3

____________________ states that people adopt new behaviors that they feel confident about performing and that are reinforced.
 a. Stage of change theory
  b. Social cognitive theory
  c. Theory of planned behavior
  d. All of the above

Q. 4

How do coffee and tea influence nutritional health?

Q. 5

____________________ is the stage of change in which an individual is ready for change within the next month and has typically already made some small change in behavior.
 a. Precontemplation stage
  b. Contemplation stage
  c. Preparation stage
  d. Action stage

Q. 6

Why is moderate alcohol consumption associated with a decreased risk of heart disease? Who can benefit most from these effects?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

How does alcohol get into the baby's body?
Alcohol consumed by a pregnant woman travels through her bloodstream and across the placenta to her baby. The unborn baby's body can metabolize the alcohol, but it does so at a much slower rate than the adult body. As a result, the alcohol level in the baby's blood is higher than in the mother's, and the alcohol remains in the baby's blood longer.

How much alcohol does a woman have to drink to cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
Women who drink frequently (more than four alcoholic beverages a day) seriously increase the likelihood that their babies will have FAS. Binge drinking (four or more drinks per occasion) is an especially hazardous drinking pattern in terms of FAS risk. However, no quantity of alcohol use during pregnancy has been established to be safe. Effects of FAS have been seen in children whose mothers drank only moderately or lightly during pregnancy. An average of one drink a day increases a baby's risk of FAS. Children with FAS do not outgrow the signs (e.g., mental retardation, hyperactivity, learning problems, and seizures). These problems are lifelong.

How can FAS be prevented?
Unlike most birth defects, FAS is completely preventable, because its direct causematernal drinkingis a controllable behavior. Simply put, pregnant women can prevent FAS by not consuming alcohol. No amount of alcohol use during pregnancy has been proven to be safe. For that reason, any woman who suspects she might be pregnant should stop drinking immediately. Women who are attempting to get pregnant should not drink alcohol. Because many women of childbearing age drink regularly, it's likely that their babies will be exposed to alcohol before pregnancy is detected. It is common for a woman to be pregnant for four to six weeks before she knows she is pregnant. Alcohol can hurt a baby even during the first one to two months of pregnancy, and no type of alcoholic beveragebeer, wine, wine coolers, and liquor (whiskey, vodka, tequila, gin, and rum)is exempt. The bottom line? Everything a woman eats or drinks affects her baby. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders could be completely eliminated if pregnant women did not consume alcohol.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Coffee consumption has been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, alcohol-related cirrhosis, and liver cancers. Tea leaves are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and caffeine. These health benefits appear to be dose dependent (drinking more provides greater benefits).

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. More than a dozen research studies have demonstrated a consistent, positive correlation between moderate alcohol consumption and decreased incidence of heart disease. The protective effect of alcohol is the result of increased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. HDL cholesterol removes cholesterol from the lining of artery walls and carries it back to the liver for excretion. Alcohol also inhibits blood from forming clots, reducing risk of death from heart attack. This anticlotting effect of moderate drinking reduces the risk of thrombotic or ischemic stroke (blockage of blood vessel in the brain) but increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (rupture of a blood vessel within the brain). Deaths reduced by moderate alcohol consumption are generally found in age groups with high rates of coronary heart diseasein other words, in people 45 years and older.
dymasraja Author
6 years ago
This helps so much, thank you for responding so quickly...
6 years ago
No worries, I was online and bored Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
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