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revaljohnson93 revaljohnson93
Posts: 354
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
All of the following are true regarding maximal heart rate EXCEPT:
 a. it is a way to estimate VO2 max that does not require a laboratory.
  b. it refers to the heart rate at which the highest level of oxygen consumption occurs.
  c. the formula is 220 minus your age.
  d. to obtain a target heart rate, divide by the desired percentage of maximal heart rate.

Q. 2

In your own words describe energy balance in terms of caloric intake compared to caloric expenditure.

Q. 3

All of the following are true regarding maximal oxygen consumption EXCEPT:
 a. it is measured using a treadmill test.
  b. it is abbreviated VO2 max.
  c. the test for it measures carbon dioxide used at maximal exercise intensities.
  d. it is measured in a specially equipped laboratory.

Q. 4

Eric signed up for a nutrition class this semester with the hope that he would learn how to improve his nutrition and lose weight in the process. Eric has had a difficult time in the past understanding important aspects of energy balance, such as how many calories he should be eating to lose weight and how to determine whether a food provides only a few or a lot of calories. Eric weighs 175 lb and is 5' 8. He enjoys playing sports such as basketball, softball, and soccer, but most days of the week he is too busy with classes and school work to get much physical activity. On average he is sitting most of the day and spends 2-4 hours per day walking and moving around. Eric's diet consists mainly of processed foods and he tries to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. Most days he will have a donut or pastry and coffee drink with cream and sugar for breakfast; for lunch he will have a couple of sandwiches with bologna, salami, and cheese on white bread. For dinner he will have one or two frozen entres from his freezer such as a fried chicken dinner, Salisbury steak dinner, or a cheese enchilada dinner. Eric feels like the amount of food he eats is reasonable and he cannot understand why he is not losing weight. In addition to improving his dietary intake, how can Eric increase his metabolism in a healthy way?
 A) Start having 4-6 cups of black coffee a day
  B) Start playing sports after school for one hour every day
  C) Diet by restricting calories
  D) Sleep less at night and take naps in the afternoon

Q. 5

All of the following are benefits of regular physical activity EXCEPT:
 a. reduced risk of heart disease.
  b. increased abdominal fat.
  c. decreased risk of hypertension.
  d. decreased risk of osteoporosis.

Q. 6

Eric signed up for a nutrition class this semester with the hope that he would learn how to improve his nutrition and lose weight in the process. Eric has had a difficult time in the past understanding important aspects of energy balance, such as how many calories he should be eating to lose weight and how to determine whether a food provides only a few or a lot of calories. Eric weighs 175 lb and is 5' 8. He enjoys playing sports such as basketball, softball, and soccer, but most days of the week he is too busy with classes and school work to get much physical activity. On average he is sitting most of the day and spends 2-4 hours per day walking and moving around. Eric's diet consists mainly of processed foods and he tries to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. Most days he will have a donut or pastry and coffee drink with cream and sugar for breakfast; for lunch he will have a couple of sandwiches with bologna, salami, and cheese on white bread. For dinner he will have one or two frozen entres from his freezer such as a fried chicken dinner, Salisbury steak dinner, or a cheese enchilada dinner. Eric feels like the amount of food he eats is reasonable and he cannot understand why he is not losing weight. What types of foods should Eric try to include in his diet?
 A) Fresh vegetables
  B) Whole fruits
  C) Whole grains
  D) Lean meat
  E) All of the above

Q. 7

All of the following are true regarding food preferences EXCEPT:
 a. people with a high sensitivity to bitter tastes tend to like cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
  b. they are largely learned.
  c. there are over 80 genes that help people taste bitter foods.
  d. a genetic tendency to avoid bitter vegetables may be linked to disease development.

Q. 8

Eric signed up for a nutrition class this semester with the hope that he would learn how to improve his nutrition and lose weight in the process. Eric has had a difficult time in the past understanding important aspects of energy balance, such as how many calories he should be eating to lose weight and how to determine whether a food provides only a few or a lot of calories. Eric weighs 175 lb and is 5' 8. He enjoys playing sports such as basketball, softball, and soccer, but most days of the week he is too busy with classes and school work to get much physical activity. On average he is sitting most of the day and spends 2-4 hours per day walking and moving around. Eric's diet consists mainly of processed foods and he tries to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. Most days he will have a donut or pastry and coffee drink with cream and sugar for breakfast; for lunch he will have a couple of sandwiches with bologna, salami, and cheese on white bread. For dinner he will have one or two frozen entres from his freezer such as a fried chicken dinner, Salisbury steak dinner, or a cheese enchilada dinner. Eric feels like the amount of food he eats is reasonable and he cannot understand why he is not losing weight. Which of the following choices would be a lower-energy density replacement for Eric's bologna, salami, and cheese sandwiches?
 A) Sliced turkey breast with lettuce on whole-wheat bread
  B) Ham and pastrami with cheese on whole-wheat bread
  C) Fried fish with mayo on white roll
  D) Meatball sub with cheese on Italian bread

Q. 9

All of the following are true regarding obesity EXCEPT:
 a. a genetic predisposition toward inactivity may influence obesity development in some people.
  b. it is primarily influenced by a low-calorie diet.
  c. over 200 genetic traits have been associated with obesity development.
  d. high-carbohydrate diets may influence obesity development in some people.

Q. 10

Eric signed up for a nutrition class this semester with the hope that he would learn how to improve his nutrition and lose weight in the process. Eric has had a difficult time in the past understanding important aspects of energy balance, such as how many calories he should be eating to lose weight and how to determine whether a food provides only a few or a lot of calories. Eric weighs 175 lb and is 5' 8. He enjoys playing sports such as basketball, softball, and soccer, but most days of the week he is too busy with classes and school work to get much physical activity. On average he is sitting most of the day and spends 2-4 hours per day walking and moving around. Eric's diet consists mainly of processed foods and he tries to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. Most days he will have a donut or pastry and coffee drink with cream and sugar for breakfast; for lunch he will have a couple of sandwiches with bologna, salami, and cheese on white bread. For dinner he will have one or two frozen entres from his freezer such as a fried chicken dinner, Salisbury steak dinner, or a cheese enchilada dinner. Eric feels like the amount of food he eats is reasonable and he cannot understand why he is not losing weight. What percentage of calories from the Salisbury steak dinner is coming from protein, fat, and carbohydrate, respectively?
 A) 27 protein, 54 fat, 47 carbohydrate
  B) 14 protein, 54 fat, 32 carbohydrate
  C) 14 protein, 62 fat, 24 carbohydrate
  D) 27 protein, 49 fat, 26 carbohydrate
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Thanks for your help!!! Correct all the way through
6 years ago
You're welcome Slight Smile
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