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Disney6 Disney6
6 years ago
Describe the six factors that can trigger program planning.

Q. 2

What are some factors that contribute to overweight and obesity in children?

Q. 3

A nutrition ____ for individuals enrolled in an osteoporosis prevention class might state an intake of 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day from food and supplement sources..
 a. care plan
  b. output
  c. benefit
  d. prescription

Q. 4

What are three suggestions for building a more healthful school environment?

Q. 5

Within the nutrition care process and model, passing out food vouchers and meals or snacks would fall into which category of nutrition intervention?
 a. nutrition counseling
  b. food and/or nutrient delivery
  c. coordination of nutrition care
  d. nutrition education

Q. 6

List the new K-12 food requirements a school breakfast must meet in order to be reimbursable by the federal government.

Q. 7

An intervention evaluation determined that for every one dollar required to produce the program, there is a 4 savings in medical costs.. This is an example of a(n) ____ evaluation.
 a. outcomes
  b. cost-benefit
  c. cost-effectiveness
  d. indirect cost

Q. 8

Discuss three USDA nutrition assistance programs aimed at improving the health and nutritional status of children, including their purpose, types of assistance offered to clients, and eligibility requirements.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Factors that can trigger program planning include the following:
 Results of the community needs assessment.
 Mandate from an organization's national office or from a federal agency.
 Research findings.
 Community leader or coalition.
 Availability of funding for new programs.
 Government policy.
One or more of these might prompt the planning. For example, recent research findings and results of a community needs assessment might indicate the same need, and thus funding might become available for programs to alleviate that need.

Answer to #2

Genetic susceptibility to obesity, lifestyle choices, family eating patterns, and lack of access to neighborhood environments that support physical activity all contribute.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Some possible suggestions include:
 Providing age-appropriate nutrition and health education to help students develop life-long healthful lifestyle habits.
 Ensuring that meals offered through school breakfast and lunch programs meet healthful standards.
 Adopting policies that require all foods and beverages available on school campuses and at school events to contribute toward eating patterns that are consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
 Providing food options that are low in fat, calories, and added sugars.
 Ensuring that healthful snacks and foods are provided in vending machines, school stores, and other venues.
 Prohibiting access to vending machines that compete with healthful school meals in elementary schools, and restricting access in middle, junior, and high schools.
 Providing adequate time for students to eat school meals, and scheduling lunch periods at reasonable hours around midday.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

 Milk: 1 cup of fat-free (flavored/unflavored) or 1 unflavored; AND
 Fruit: 1 cupper day (vegetable substitution allowed); AND
 Grains: 1 oz. equivalent minimum daily; weekly ranges differ among age groups:
o Grades K-5: 7-10 oz. weekly
o Grades 6-8: 8-10 oz. weekly
o Grades 9-12: 9-10 oz. weekly
o All grains must be whole grain-rich
o There is no separate meat/meat alternate component in the new standards. Schools may substitute 1 oz. equivalent of meat/meat alternate for 1 oz. equivalent of grains after the minimum daily grains requirement is met.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

should include three of the following programs: National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, After School Snack Program, Special Milk Program for Children, and the Summer Food Service Program for Children. See Table 12-3 for specific information on types of assistance offered and eligibility requirements.
Disney6 Author
6 years ago
Great answers, all of them were right
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