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drake34 drake34
Posts: 320
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6 years ago
__________ generally has its roots in a client's unresolved personal conflicts with significant others.
  a. Transference
 b. Countertransference
  c. Boundaries
 d. Unfinished business

Q. 2

Identifying and resolving __________ related to your family of origin is essential if you hope to establish relationships that do not repeat negative patterns of interaction.
  a. boundaries
 b. individuation
 c. unfinished business
  d. self-discipline

Q. 3

__________ is a term used in family therapy to refer to emotional barriers that protect and enhance the integrity of members of a system.
  a. Family rules
 b. Self-exploration
 c. Self-understanding
  d. Boundaries

Q. 4

As helpers begin to practice counseling, it is likely that many of them will become aware that they are taking on a profession role that:
  a. resembles their parents unhealthy relationship skills.
 b. resembles the role of a counselor they saw in a movie with unhealthy relationships.
  c. resembles the role they played in their family.
 d. does not resemble the role they played in their family.

Q. 5

Phyllis, a 35-year-old housewife and mother, has returned to college. Her educational experiences have led her to broaden her view of sex roles, although she still feels unsure of herself. Her counselor might conclude that her sex-role foundation is confused and she may have not formed a healthy picture of appropriate feminine behavior during her
  a. middle childhood.
  b. preschool age.
  c. early childhood.
  d. adolescence.

Q. 6

After questioning Joe, the counselor discovers that he has had learning problems all of his life and that school was a painful place since he was constantly taunted by his peers. Joe's fear of new challenges and lack of initiative is a result of failing to achieve mastery over which of the following tasks?
  a. Industry versus inferiority
  b. Initiative versus guilt
  c. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
  d. Trust versus mistrust

Q. 7

According to Erikson, during the late adulthood stage, in which the task to be accomplished is integrity versus despair, the older adults who have succeeded in achieving ego integrity would NOT
  a. accept that they have been productive and have coped with whatever failures they faced.
  b. concentrate on what they have not done, and yearn for another chance to live in a different way.
  c. tend to integrate their past experiences with current realities.
  d. necessarily welcome the notion of death, but view it as an inevitable part of the life cycle.

Q. 8

Nancy, a high school senior, feels pressured by her parents to pursue a nursing degree right after graduation; however, she is uncertain about her future direction. She recently started dating, has developed new friendships, and would like to postpone college to see what it's like to have a life. Nancy is working on which of Erikson's developmental tasks?
  a. Intimacy versus isolation
  b. Industry versus inferiority
  c. Initiative versus guilt
  d. Identity versus identity confusion

Q. 9

All of the following descriptions from Erikson's stage of development perspective of each developmental transition stages are true EXCEPT
  a. represents a psychosocial crisis, or turning point, when individuals are faced with fulfilling their destinies.
  b. builds on the psychological outcomes of earlier stages.
  c. has a psychosocial task to be mastered before moving to the next stage.
  d. personal transformation demands an awareness of how you deal with developmental tasks currently with no connection to your past.
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Posts: 393
6 years ago
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drake34 Author
6 years ago
This is very helpful, my teacher this year is not good
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