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SelmaCrowe SelmaCrowe
Posts: 67
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6 years ago
A student nurse is assigned to care for an older patient diagnosed with frailty and cardiovascular disease. While reviewing the patient's chart, which of the following lab values would the student expect to find?
  A) Digoxin level 1.8 ng/mL
  B) Digoxin level 3.0 ng/mL
  C) Digoxin level 0.2 ng/mL
  D) Digoxin level 1.5 ng/mL

Question 2

A nurse is preparing a community education program regarding cardiovascular disease in the older patient. Which of the following information should the nurse include?
  A) Cancer kills more women than heart disease.
  B) Women are more likely than men to develop heart disease in their middle years.
  C) A woman of 70 is as likely as a man to develop heart disease.
  D) For most women, heart disease is a greater problem before they reach menopause.

Question 3

The graduate nurse is caring for an elderly patient recently diagnosed with cancer. What signs or symptoms would be present to support the diagnosis of frailty in this patient?
  A) Serum albumin greater than 2.5 g/100dl
  B) Serum albumin less than 2.5 g/100dl
  C) Hemoglobin 23 g/dl
  D) Hemoglobin 12 g/dl

Question 4

The nurse is caring for an older patient recently diagnosed with diabetes. The patient asks the nurse what she can do to keep from becoming a burden on my children. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most appropriate?
  A) We will all need some help as we get older.
  B) I'm sure your children won't mind helping you if you need help.
  C) If you take care of yourself by taking your medication, exercising, and eating healthy, you can help yourself remain independent.
  D) Chronic diseases like diabetes are a major cause of disability in late life; you will need to speak with your children regarding your concern.

Question 5

The student nurse is preparing a presentation for her fellow students regarding caring for elderly patients. Which of the following criteria would be used to define frailty? Select all that apply.
  A) Unplanned weight loss of at least 10 lbs in a year
  B) Slowness
  C) Low activity
  D) Short-term memory loss

Question 6

An older client with early-stage dementia is admitted to the hospital with vomiting and diarrhea. Which symptoms of early-stage dementia would the nurse most likely observe during the hospitalization?
  A) changes in mood or personality, withdrawal, or depression
  B) anomia, agnosia, apraxia, aphasia
  C) anxiety, restlessness, wandering, perseveration
  D) inability to recognize family and friends, withdrawal

Question 7

An elderly client was given a nursing diagnosis of injury, risk for: related to disorientation. Which statement would be appropriate for an expected outcome? The client
  A) maintains continence on four out of five voidings.
  B) does not become lost or sustain injury during wanderings.
  C) sleeps through the night and stays awake most of the day.
  D) receives appropriate care consistent with his or her and family specific values and expected outcomes.

Question 8

A very old, frail client's family is in a client-centered interdisciplinary conference guided by the nurse. Which are key issues that should be addressed? Select all that apply.
  A) client's wishes
  B) communications
  C) goals and outcomes
  D) identification of areas of conflict

Question 9

Which factor impacts on the chronic illness trajectory that causes some older adults with chronic conditions to remain active and independent, whereas others decline into frailty and dependence?
  A) Cognitive impairment condition has less effect on an older client's function than does osteoarthritis.
  B) Older clients with health insurance and financial resources can better manage chronic conditions while maintaining functional ability.
  C) Older clients cannot control or halt disabling effects and progression of symptoms.
  D) Access to healthcare and social support has a negative impact on health outcomes.
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6 years ago
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