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SethHuddleston SethHuddleston
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6 years ago
Which of the following statements most accurately captures the financial status of older adults in the United States?
  A) The percentage of older people living below the poverty level has been increasing.
  B) The financial needs of most older adults are well met by Social Security income alone.
  C) The recent decline in housing prices has made many older adults asset rich and cash poor..
  D) Women 65 years of age and older is the fastest growing group of employment.

Question 2

An older patient who smokes half a pack of cigarettes daily and is diagnosed with COPD expresses regret about starting smoking over 50 years ago at a time when it was considered both fashionable and harmless.
  What can the nurse respond to this patient? A) Even though you have smoked for a long time, there are still benefits to quitting smoking..
  B) If you continue to smoke, any medical treatment for your COPD is likely to be ineffective..
  C) Unfortunately the damage is now done and quitting smoking will likely have little effect on your future health..
  D) Even though it won't affect the course of your COPD, quitting smoking would probably make you feel better about yourself..

Question 3

The nurse is facilitating a health promotion class at a senior center. Which statement made by a participant should be corrected by the nurse?
  A) My wife and I both get our flu shots each fall..
  B) I'm vigilant about staying away from anyone who has a cold or flu..
  C) I use a puffer regularly to prevent any problems with my breathing in the future..
  D) I've found that doing deep breathing exercises helps relax me and expand my lungs..

Question 4

What is the responsibility of the nurse regarding informed consent?
  a. Explain the surgical options.
  b. Explain the operative risks.
  c. Obtain the patient's signature.
  d. Check form for appropriate signatures.

Question 5

Which of the following phenomena most likely accounts for the fact that more women than men live alone later in life?
  A) Women tend to both live longer than men and marry men older than themselves.
  B) Men tend to have greater access to care facilities due to higher incomes and savings.
  C) Men are more likely to live with younger family members following the death of a spouse.
  D) Social pressures tend to stigmatize older men who live alone.

Question 6

A patient and a nurse develop a preoperative teaching plan. In teaching the patient to cough effectively after surgery, the nurse should tell her to practice
  a. breathing through her nose, holding her breath, and exhaling slowly.
  b. taking three deep breaths and coughing from the chest.
  c. inhaling while contracting the abdominal muscles and exhaling while contracting the diaphragm.
  d. taking short, frequent panting breaths and coughing from the throat to clear accumulated mucus.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The percentage of older people living below the poverty level has been declining, with about 10 now falling into this category. Most older people depend on Social Security for more than half of their income. Although the median net worth of older households is nearly twice the national average because of the high prevalence of home ownership by elders, many older adults are asset rich and cash poor.. The recent decline in housing prices, however, has made that asset a less valuable one for many older adults. There has been a significant rise in the percentage of middle-aged women who are employed, although there has been little change in the labor force participation of women 65 years of age and older.

Answer to #2

There are health benefits to quitting smoking at any stage and doing so would likely aid in the treatment of the patient's COPD. Continuing to smoke, while detrimental, would not necessarily render all medical treatments for COPD ineffective. Quitting smoking could stop the progression of the patient's disease.

Answer to #3

Older persons should be advised against treating respiratory problems themselves. Many over-the-counter cold and cough remedies can have serious effects in older adults and can interact with other medications being taken. These drugs also can mask symptoms of serious problems, thereby delaying diagnosis and treatment. Older adults should know that a cold lasting more than 1 week may not be a cold at all, but something more serious that requires medical attention. Getting influenza and pneumonia vaccinations as well as performing deep breathing exercises are valid health promotion activities. Avoiding others with a cold or the flu is a good disease prevention strategy and should be reinforced by the nurse.

Answer to #4

A witness is only verifying that this is the person who signed the consent and that it was a voluntary consent. The witness (often a nurse) is not verifying that the patient understands the procedure.

Answer to #5

The facts that women live longer than men and often marry men older than themselves account for their higher rates of living alone in old age. Men are not noted to have greater access to care facilities, to be more likely to live with younger family members or to face stigma for living alone.

Answer to #6

Because lung ventilation is vital, the nurse assists the patient to turn, cough, and breathe deeply every 1 to 2 hours until the chest is clear. Having practiced this combination preoperatively, the patient is usually able to adequately remove trapped mucus and surgical gases.
6 years ago
Electric Light Bulb All of these are right, thanks!
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