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finnc finnc
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6 years ago
Which nursing intervention best addresses the need for social support demonstrated by an older adult couple who will be assuming responsibility for the raising of two grandchildren.
  a. Facilitating a support group for children being raised by grandparents
  b. Helping the grandparents express their feeling regarding this unexpected role change
  c. Offering a monthly parenting class for this cohort of grandparents
  d. Suggesting couple's therapy to assist in managing any new stress on their marriage

Question 2

Your client is cared for at home by his son and daughter-in-law, who are also responsible for the care of their four preschool-aged children. What is true of this sandwich generation?
  a. The conflicts that arise from caring for both older adults and children can be very stressful.
  b. The majority of middle-aged adults are faced with balancing the care of par-ents and children.
  c. The average age of adults caring for parents is in the late 30s and early 40s.
  d. The majority of caregivers affected by this sandwich generation are males.

Question 3

An African-American woman has taken on the responsibility of raising her grandchild. Which intervention will best address a need commonly identified in this specific population?
  a. Providing her with a list of local afterschool children's programs
  b. Suggesting she enroll in a local community center's senior support group
  c. Scheduling her for a complete physical examination
  d. Encouraging her to walk 1 mile 3 days a week

Question 4

Which activity would a couple in the reorientation phase of their retirement engage in?
  a. Establishing a new budget that will allow them to travel to see the grandchil-dren
  b. Reading magazines devoted to making decisions about retirement plans
  c. Looking for ways to 'fill up the days'
  d. Volunteering at the local animal shelter

Question 5

Which behavior suggests that an older adult who has lost their life partner is successfully managing the exploration stage of the adjustment process?
  a. Smiles when reminiscing about the trips they took over the years
  b. Explains that they can't make a decision about moving 'just yet'
  c. Agrees to eat some of their 'favorite soup' their daughter has made
  d. Is heard saying, I'll never get over the loss but my life has a purpose.

Question 6

A widowed grandmother is about to assume the role of custodial parent for her 6-year-old grandchild.
  Which intervention has priority when preparing the grandmother for long-term success in this new role?
  a. Reviewing the developmental milestones of childhood
  b. Identifying local sources of child counseling services
  c. Discussing the common challenges of parenting a 6 year old
  d. Teaching stress management and relaxation techniques

Question 7

When acting as a fictive kin, in which activity will a paid caregiver engage?
  a. being responsible for paying the client's bills
  b. organizing the client's birthday celebration
  c. accompanying the client to doctor's appointments
  d. assuring the client has clean, appropriate clothing available
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Primary care grandparents with a network of social support seem to experience fewer nega-tive consequences, but instrumental supports such as assistance with child rearing are often lacking. Education and training programs and support groups are valuable resources and nurses can be instrumental in developing and conducting these types of interventions. While the remaining options are appropriate, they do not focus on the needs that are identified as currently unaddressed.

Answer to #2

Caregivers of older adults are often faced with conflicts between active lives, demanding careers, and multiple needs of parents and children. Although there are many middle-age adults caring for parents and children at the same time, it is not a majority. The average age of caregivers who care for parents is 46. The majority of caregivers (61) are female and usu-ally daughters.

Answer to #3

Some studies suggest that perceived caregiver stress and burden may be less in Afri-can-American caregivers as a result of the use of more cognitive and emotion-focused coping strategies and reliance on faith and spirituality. The effect of caregiving on physical health in this population is often overlooked and may be significant so assessing the woman for possi-ble physical conditions would be the best means of addressing this need. Culturally diverse caregivers are also reported to rely less on formal support and have more available informal support networks to assist in caregiving. While exercise and afterschool programs might be appropriate they do not address the issue of managing potential health issues.

Answer to #4

The reorientation phase is one where the couple is developing a realistic and satisfactory lifestyle that would include the opportunity to travel. The near phase includes both planning and fantasizing about the retirement. The disenchantment phase is where the couple deals with letdown and boredom while the engagement in meaningful activities such as volunteer-ing occurs in the stability phase.

Answer to #5

The exploration stage is characterized by the ability to accept the loss and look back fondly upon it. The reactionary stage would be a time when indecision is typical. During the with-drawal stage, eating is often affected. Integration is successful when the individual again shows satisfaction with their life.

Answer to #6

Grandmothers raising grandchildren reported the most stress, intrafamily strain, and per-ceived problems in family functioning with the stress increasing over time. The introduction of the skills identified in the correct option will serve to improve and maintain the family's quality of life. While the remaining options are appropriate, they lack attention to the long-term, fundamental barrier to a successful transition into this new role.

Answer to #7

Fictive kin are nonrelatives who become surrogate family members. These individuals take on instrumental and affectional attributes of family such as described in the correct option. The remaining options lack the element of affection and familial concern.
finnc Author
6 years ago
All correct!
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