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leoncios leoncios
Posts: 333
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6 years ago
How does pursed lip breathing assist patients with asthma during an attack?
  a. It distracts the patient with breathing technique to reduce anxiety.
  b. It gets rid of CO2 faster.
  c. It opens bronchioles by backflow air pressure.
  d. It increases PACO2..

Question 2

The nurse caring for a patient who has a closed chest drainage system notes that there is fluctuation (tidaling) in the water seal chamber.
  What is the most appropriate nursing action based on this assessment?
  Document the tidaling
  Elevate the head of the bed and notify charge nurse of malfunction of drainage system
  Add more sterile water to the water seal chamber
  Turn patient to the affected side

Question 3

Which important precaution should the nurse include when instructing an emphysema patient on the use of home oxygen?
  a. Use oxygen only when extremely short of breath
  b. Keep the home oxygen regulator set on 6 L
  c. Use home oxygen at night while sleeping
  d. Limit to 1 to 2 L oxygen flow

Question 4

The older adult patient with long-term emphysema complains of a sharp pleuritic pain after a severe period of coughing.
  The patient's heart rate and respiratory rate have increased. Auscultation reveals no breath sounds on the left side. These are signs and symptoms of what condition?
  Pulmonary embolus
  Spontaneous pneumothorax
  Early signs of unilateral pneumonia
  An attack of asthma

Question 5

The patient has advanced emphysema and complains of dyspnea and fatigue.
  What would the most appropriate nursing intervention be for the nursing diagnosis of Activity intolerance related to an imbalance between the oxygen supply and demand?
  Direct patient in vigorous independent ROM.
  Allow to exercise until respirations are over 20 breaths/min over baseline.
  Plan care to provide optimum rest.
  Provide frequent cool showers.

Question 6

How should the newly diagnosed patient who has been prescribed isoniazid (INH) for the treatment of active tuberculosis (TB) be advised?
  a. Report redness and swelling of extremities
  b. Accept that the therapy is long term
  c. Monitor renal function every several months
  d. Rise slowly to avoid dizziness

Question 7

A nursing diagnosis for the patient with a new laryngectomy would be Social isolation related to impaired verbal communication related to removal of the larynx. What is an appropriate nursing intervention?
  a. Complete care quickly
  b. Provide a pad and pencil or magic slate
  c. Refrain from conversations with the patient to reduce stress level
  d. Offer books or jigsaw puzzles for entertainment

Question 8

What is the purpose of the cilia?
  a. Warm and moisturize inhaled air
  b. Sweep debris toward nasal cavity
  c. Stimulate cough reflex
  d. Produce mucus

Question 9

What happens when there is a decrease in the oxygen level in the blood?
  a. Pituitary stimulates the respiratory system to increase respiratory rate
  b. The alveoli diffuse more oxygen into the blood
  c. Chemoreceptors in the carotid body and aortic body stimulate the respiratory centers to modify respiratory rates
  d. The parietal pleura increases the negative pressure
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The resistance or the expiration through the pursed lips causes a backflow of air and helps to open the bronchioles.

Answer to #2

Tidaling or fluctuation in the water seal drainage is an indicator that the negative pressure is preserved and the system is working normally. Document this normal finding.

Answer to #3

Low-flow oxygen therapy is required for patients with COPD, because higher oxygen concentrations depress the body's own respiratory regulatory centers and can cause respiratory failure.

Answer to #4

Spontaneous pneumothorax can be caused by a ruptured bleb in a patient with long-term emphysema. The disorder causes chest pain, dyspnea, and anxiety associated with air hunger.

Answer to #5

Nursing interventions will be directed at attempting to decrease the patient's anxiety and promote optimal air exchange. The nurse should allow sufficient rest periods and should assist the patient in activities of daily living.

Answer to #6

INH therapy is long term. The patient should be advised to get regular liver studies and report tingling and numbness of the extremities.

Answer to #7

Provide patient with implements for communication. Rapidly completing care and provision of solitary activities does not reduce social isolation.

Answer to #8

The cilia are fine hairlike processes on the outer surfaces of small cells that produce a motion that sweeps the debris toward the nasal cavity. Large particles that are swept away stimulate the cough reflex, but not the cilia themselves.

Answer to #9

The chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and the aortic bodies send a message to the respiratory centers to modify respirations.
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