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yani12x yani12x
Posts: 328
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6 years ago
Theories and models of human behavior and health are helpful in:
  a. explaining factors and interactions among issues that influence the health of individuals or groups.
  b. promoting a better understanding of the relationship between environment and disease and individual characteristics.
  c. proving that health-care providers perform services vital to the promotion of health of individuals and groups.
  d. showing a connection between psychology, sociology, and physical well-being in individuals and groups.

Question 2

A dispute arises between an RN staff member and an LPN over a patient issue. The tension between the two begins to affect other staff members, who are drawn into the conflict; eventually, the team becomes polarized toward either the RN or the LPN.
  This situation might have been prevented through: a. Expediency in responding to the initial dispute, once it became apparent that it could not be resolved by the two parties themselves.
  b. Asking other staff members what the real issues were in the dispute between the RN and the LPN.
  c. Reassigning one of the parties to another unit when it became apparent that the two individuals could not resolve the dispute themselves.
  d. Calling a staff meeting at the onset of the dispute to allow the team and the RN and LPN to discuss the initial dispute.

Question 3

At an organizational level, which of the following strategies would assist in ensuring that EBP is incorporated into nursing care?
  a. Formation of nursing-only implementation teams
  b. Restriction of evidence to RCTs
  c. Formation of a network of individuals doing research and/or interested in re-search utilization
  d. Avoidance of partnership with expe-rienced researchers

Question 4

A nurse manager recognizes that her staff's emotional responses to organizational change are similar to:
  a. adaptation techniques.
  b. integrative tactics.
  c. symptoms of mental illness.
  d. the grief model.

Question 5

To improve outcomes on the stroke recovery unit, the unit manager leads an evidence-based practice (EBP) project. The goal of this project is to:
  a. Enable detection of variations in clinical outcomes from well-researched standards that are supported by confirmatory evi-dence.
  b. Gain quick access to literature based on studies of patients and families who have experienced stroke.
  c. Develop a list of articles that could be ac-cessed to address clinical issues and prob-lems with stroke patients.
  d. Advance the development of staff who are able to conduct independent nursing research on stroke outcomes.

Question 6

For the first time, four generations of nurses are employed at once in the workforce. The generation that is generally described as hardworking and being uncomfortable with change is the:
  a. Nexters.
  b. Veterans.
  c. baby boomers.
  d. Generation Xers.
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

The initial step in conflict resolution should have involved an expedient response to the issues and putting a focus on the issues involved in the dispute between the LPN and RN through negotiation involving the two parties, before the dispute involved others.

Answer to #3

Collaboration, partnerships, and consideration of a variety of evidence appropriate to the clinical questions are important in ensuring translation of evidence into practice. Collaboration is consi-dered particularly critical and can occur through practice-based networks.

Answer to #4

The grief model is the most accurate, because change produces a longing for what is familiar, even if it is not what is best or realistic.

Answer to #5

Several intelligent clinical information systems are in place that collect good data and then translate nursing knowledge, such as well-researched standards, into reference materials at the point-of-care. In addition, computer applications assist nurses to take action and provide patient care based on the best evidence for practice.

Answer to #6

Veterans, or traditionalists, are described as hardworking and being uncomfortable with change. Their core values are law and order, respect for authority, dedication, and sacrifice. Contrast this with Generation X, whose core values focus on thinking globally, balance, technological literacy, independence, and informality (Stanley, 2010).
yani12x Author
6 years ago
Great answers! <3
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