Family research has shown that if a person experiences the first major depressive episode at a young age, the more likely relatives will experience periods of depression.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false
Question 2What does the Disabilities Education Act of 1990 require in terms of education of disabled children?
a) All disabled children must be mainstreamed.
b) All disabled children must receive public education.
c) Special education is provided only if physical handicaps are involved.
d) Public schools are not responsible for children with profound disabilities.
Question 3Which of the following may explain why an fMRI study examining Chinese children with dyslexia failed to find problems in the temporoparietal area of the brain during reading tasks?
a) This study only evaluated 10 children.
b) Because of the differences between Chinese and English languages.
c) The study examining Chinese children used older fMRI techniques.
d) The Chinese language relies on less visual processing than does English.
Question 4Why do the Indians of Peru and Bolivia use the leaves of the coca bush?
a) to kill pain
b) to induce sleep
c) to increase endurance
d) to produce hallucinations
Question 5One key to understanding the development of panic disorder involves a psychological approach. For example, when a patient with the diagnosis of panic disorder experiences heart palpitations, she is likely to
a) develop depression over the symptom.
b) misinterpret it as a signal of an impending heart attack
c) repress thoughts related to physical well being to maintain coping.
d) turn attention away from the symptoms by daydreaming or keeping
busy on a task.
Question 6Which of these is an example of the secondary prevention of PKU?
a) outline a special restricted diet
b) school-based educational programs
c) provision for genetic testing of mothers during pregnancy
d) campaigns to inform expectant mothers of the importance of good prenatal care