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kathmed kathmed
Posts: 366
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6 years ago
Discuss some of the main reasons why lawns fail to thrive.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

How do you analyze a turf fertilizer?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Discuss mowing considerations for both cool-season and warm-season grasses.
  What mistakes do homeowners typically make when mowing the lawn?

  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

What are the main causes of fungus disease in lawns? How do you prevent or
  control them?

  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Why would you apply gypsum to lawn soil?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

What are the seven factors that are required for proper lawn maintenance? Are
  some of these factors more important than others?

  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Lawns fail to thrive for a variety of reasons, including altered or poor soil conditions,
improper mowing, improper fertilizing, improper watering, heavy traffic, excessive
shade, improperly prepared soil, infestations of weeds, diseases, and insects, and thatch

Answer to #2

When choosing a lawn fertilizer, remember that lawns require a fertilizer high in
nitrogen. The nitrogen content is indicated by the first number on the fertilizer label. Of
the three analysis numbers on fertilizer labels, the first number is always highest on
high- quality maintenance turf fertilizers and appropriate for lawns.

Answer to #3

Cool-season grasses should not be cut shorter than 2 to 3 inches, while warm-season
grasses are cut shorter, from  to 1 inches, depending upon the grass variety. Because
warm-season grasses grow rapidly during warm weather, they are better able to
compete with weeds growing during the same season. Bermuda grass should be clipped
to  to 1 inch and zoysia  to 1 inches. Lawns should be mowed often enough so that no more than one-third of the top is cut off in any one mowing. A common mistake
among homeowners is to cut the grass too short, which prevents the plant from making
enough food.

Answer to #4

Fungus lives in and on dead grass and in the soil, and may spread easily by mowing or
even walking through wet grass. They thrive when temperature and moisture conditions
are favorable. Ways to prevent their spread include collecting clippings or by raking and
removing thatch, watering only when necessary and at night, and mowing frequently.

Answer to #5

It may be helpful to apply gypsum (CaSO4-Calcium Sulfate) to compacted lawn soils to
improve the soil aeration and allow for improved growth of the lawn grass.

Answer to #6

The seven factors that are required for proper lawn maintenance are:
 Planting the proper variety or species of grass.
 Applying fertilizer and lime or sulfur at the proper time and in the proper form and
 Mowing to the proper height at the correct time.
 Watering properly.
 Using chemicals for weed, insect, and disease control if necessary.
 Using the lawn in such a way that the traffic is not too heavy.
 Providing the proper amount of light.
Answers to part two of this question will vary

kathmed Author
6 years ago
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