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courseherod courseherod
Posts: 340
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6 years ago
Identify two ways to use electronic media professionally in the workplace.

Ques. 2

Which is correct?
 a. Malcolm wants to go to school in the south.
  b. Malcolm wants to go to school in the South.

Ques. 3

Identify one difference and one similarity between e-mails and memos.

Ques. 4

Which is correct?
 a. Taylor is earning a bachelor of science degree in psychology.
  b. Taylor is earning a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology.

Ques. 5

Sales messages are most effective if they follow the AIDA strategy. What are the four parts of the AIDA strategy?
 A) Audience, investigate, develop, analysis
 B) Aggressive, indirect, direct, assertive
 C) Analyze, interpret, define, adapt
 D) Attention, interest, desire, action

Ques. 6

Which is correct?
 a. The president of the United States serves a four-year term.
  b. The President of the United States serves a four-year term.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Students should identify two of the following ways for using electronic media professionally in the workplace:

1. Learn your company's rules.

2. Separate work and personal data.

3. Keep sensitive information private.

4. Stay away from pornography, sexually explicit jokes, or inappropriate screen savers.

5. Avoid file-sharing services.

6. Be careful when blogging, tweeting, or posting on social networking sites.

7. Avoid sending personal e-mails, instant messages, or texts from work.

8. Don't share files.

9. Avoid storing music or photos on a company machine.

10. Don't watch streaming videos.

11. Don't download free software and utilities to company machines.

12. Avoid opening attachments when you do not know the sender or when you are unsure about the file contents.

13. Don't download and share cartoons, video clips, photos, and art.

14. Don't spread rumors, gossip, and negative, defamatory comments.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Students should list one of the following similarities and one of the following differences between e-mails and memos:


a. Both can discuss nonsensitive information.

b. Both are usually organized using the direct strategy.

c. Both can be retrieved.

d. Both include guide words calling for a subject line, a dateline, and identification of the sender and the receiver.

e. Both should be organized with headings, bulleted lists, and enumerated items, whenever possible.

f. Both include a definite opening, body, and closing.

g. Both close with (a) action information, dates, or deadlines; (b) a summary of the message; or (c) a closing thought.

h. Both include double-spacing between paragraphs.


a. E-mails are appropriate for internal or external audiences; memos are appropriate for only internal audiences.

b. E-mails are appropriate for short informal messages; memos are appropriate for longer formal messages.

c. E-mails are generally written to request information or respond to inquiries; memos are written in response to complex issues.

d. E-mails may be lost or dates may be inadvertently changed; memos can provide a better permanent record of the message.

e. E-mails may or may not include a goodwill statement in the closing; memos don't include a goodwill statement in the closing.

f. E-mails include a salutation, complimentary close, and signature block; memos do not include salutations, complimentary closings, or signature blocks.

g. E-mails do not require the writer to set specific margins; memos require the writer to use specific top, bottom, and side margins.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6

courseherod Author
6 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to explain this, just got my quiz back: Perfect
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