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Vandana Vandana
Posts: 399
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6 years ago
Rewrite the item using the singular and plural possessive. Make both nouns plural in the plural possessive. Example: desk of the secretary secretary's desk secretaries' desks life of the man

Ques. 2

Rewrite the item using the singular and plural possessive. Make both nouns plural in the plural possessive. Example: desk of the secretary secretary's desk secretaries' desks video game of the boy

Ques. 3

Write the comparative and the superlative degree of the word. Use more or most, when appropriate, instead of less or least. neatly

Ques. 4

Write the comparative and the superlative degree of the word. Use more or most, when appropriate, instead of less or least. much

Ques. 5

Write the comparative and the superlative degree of the word. Use more or most, when appropriate, instead of less or least. dark

Ques. 6

Write the comparative and the superlative degree of the word. Use more or most, when appropriate, instead of less or least. difficult

Ques. 7

Write the comparative and the superlative degree of the word. Use more or most, when appropriate, instead of less or least. good
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Posts: 251
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
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