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Savloaiza Savloaiza
Posts: 352
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6 years ago
In general, for internal communication, the higher up your message goes, the
  A) more details people want to see.
  B) fewer details people want to see.
  C) less likely you are to run into ethical problems.
  D) more likely you are to run into ethical problems.
  E) more ambiguous you should be.

Ques. 2

Forecasting your audience's reaction to your message is
  A) impossiblethere's no way to know what it will be.
  B) vital, because potential audience reaction affects message organization.
  C) helpful only for internal communication.
  D) helpful only for external communication.
  E) designed based upon each receiver's potential response.

Ques. 3

Messages should contain more supporting detail and background information when
  A) you expect a favorable response.
  B) you and your audience do not share the same general background.
  C) you and your audience share the same general background.
  D) you are concerned about possible legal action.
  E) you are attempting to shift blame.

Ques. 4

Most messages should not be sent unless they will
  A) bring about a change.
  B) increase your chances of being promoted.
  C) please your boss.
  D) end on a positive note.
  E) promote self-interests.

Ques. 5

In most cases, a message should be deferred or canceled if
  A) your news is bad.
  B) someone else wants to deliver it.
  C) your audience is highly receptive.
  D) the time is wrong.
  E) you have important information to share, but it could get you into trouble.

Ques. 6

An example of a specific purpose for a business message would be
  A) to impart information to the audience.
  B) to inform employees about the new vacation policy.
  C) to persuade readers to take action.
  D) to obtain audience participation and collaboration.
  E) to make a specific point.

Ques. 7

The primary audience for your message should always include
  A) all who receive it.
  B) the key decision makers in the audience.
  C) those people with the highest status.
  D) those people who represent the opinions and attitudes of the majority.
  E) those people who might see a copy of the message at some point in the future.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: B
Explanation: B) In general, the higher up a person is in an organization, the more he or she deals with big picture issues of strategy and planning. Therefore, when drafting messages for higher level audiences stick to the big picture and include only critical details.

Answer to #2

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Try to gauge your audience's reaction before you write your message. If you expect a favorable reaction, for example, you can be more direct in stating your conclusions up front without taking time to build your case. If you expect an unfavorable reaction, spend more effort building your case.

Answer to #3

Answer: B
Explanation: B) When your audience is familiar with the topic, you can focus on the issue at hand and not worry about supplying supporting information. However, when your audience is not familiar with the topic, you may need to provide some educational material to get your readers up to speed.

Answer to #4

Answer: A
Explanation: A) A message that does not aim to initiate change is usually a waste of time for you and your audience. For example, to send a message to make a complaint about people violating the company's smoking ban is an empty gesture, unless you are asking for a specific change to occur, such as some kind of consequence for violating the ban.

Answer to #5

Answer: D
Explanation: D) Timing of messages is always critical. For example, a request for logistical help for your team during a time of company crisis is almost sure to be ignored. Instead, wait for the time in which your audience can properly tend to the issue.

Answer to #6

Answer: B
Explanation: B) A specific purpose cannot be a general task, such as to impart information. The information in a specific purpose must refer to what you actually hope to accomplish with the message  not simply to inform, but to inform employees specifically about a new vacation policy.

Answer to #7

Answer: B
Explanation: B) The audience for your message will vary from situation to situation. However, people who are in a position to make a decision about your issue must be in the audience.
Savloaiza Author
6 years ago
I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the answer!
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