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DanyBoi DanyBoi
Posts: 364
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6 years ago
A free-lance sales representative is independent and gets paid on a commission-only basis. She earns a 5 commission on monthly sales up to 35,000 . 6 on monthly sales between 35,00 . and 75,000 . and 7 on monthly sales over 75,00 . . Determine her commission for a month when sales were 106,450.

Q. 2

The balance sheet of Food Products, Inc showed owners' equity of 200,00 . in 200 . and 320,00 . in 200 . . Compute the percentage of increase in owners' equity. (Round answer to one decimal place.)

Q. 3

An employee who sells advertising time for independent television stations is paid a salary of 2,00 . per month. For short commercials (less than 30 seconds), the employee receives a 0.5 commission. For long commercials (30 seconds or longer), she receives a 1 commission. Compute her total pay for a month in which she sold 345,500 worth of time for short commercials, and 196,00 . worth of time for long commercials.

Q. 4

The balance sheet of Lawn Products, Inc showed owners' equity of 180,00 . in 200 . and 200,00 . in 200 . . Compute the percentage of increase in owners' equity. (Round answer to one decimal place.)

Q. 5

Sylvia Jimenez is paid by commission only, and she earns 1.5 on all sales. If Sylvia sells more than 125,00 . in any month, she receives an additional 2 on the sales above 125,00 . . Find Sylvia's total commission for July on sales of 180,000.
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Posts: 185
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6 years ago
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DanyBoi Author

6 years ago
Helped a lot

Smart ... Thanks!

2 hours ago
Good timing, thanks!
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