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zamu zamu
Posts: 312
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6 years ago
Mary Jacobs invested 10,000 in a no-load mutual fund with a net asset value of 14.28. She later sold the shares at a net asset value of 15.22 per share. During the time Mary owned the shares, the fund paid a dividend of .25 per share. What was Mary's rate of return on this investment? (Round to the nearest tenth of a percent)

Q. 2

Narrative 11-1 Solve the following problems using either Tables 11-1 or 11-2 from your text. When necessary, create new table factors. (Round new table factors to five decimal places, round dollars to the nearest cent and percents to the nearest hundredth of a percent) Refer to Narrative 11-1. Roby invests 18,700, at 8 interest, compounded quarterly for 8 years. Calculate the compound amount for his investment.
 A) 35,241.09
  B) 25,671.17
  C) 65,600.54
  D) 64,065.08

Q. 3

Jeffrey Marcus purchased 800 shares of General Tectonics common stock at 16.40 per share. A few months later, Jeffrey sold the shares at 19.80. His stockbroker charges 3 commission. What was his gain or loss on this investment? (Round your answer to the nearest cent if necessary)

Q. 4

Narrative 11-1 Solve the following problems using either Tables 11-1 or 11-2 from your text. When necessary, create new table factors. (Round new table factors to five decimal places, round dollars to the nearest cent and percents to the nearest hundredth of a percent) Refer to Narrative 11-1. Ben invests 19,500, at 12 interest, compounded quarterly for 10 years. Calculate the compound amount for his investment.
 A) 73,369.46
  B) 71,214.36
  C) 68,305.89
  D) 63,609.59

Q. 5

You purchased 5,000 shares of a mutual fund at an offer price of 7.99 per share. Several months later you sold the shares for 6.22 per share. During the time you owned the shares, the fund paid a dividend of 0.40 per share. What was your return on investment? (Round to nearest tenth of a percent)

Q. 6

Narrative 11-1 Solve the following problems using either Tables 11-1 or 11-2 from your text. When necessary, create new table factors. (Round new table factors to five decimal places, round dollars to the nearest cent and percents to the nearest hundredth of a percent) Refer to Narrative 11-1. Simon invests 19,500, at 9 interest, compounded annually for 11 years. Calculate the compound amount for his investment.
 A) 41,578.53
  B) 59,622.88
  C) 40,793.88
  D) 50,318.39

Q. 7

Donald Yates purchased 400 shares of Adco Mutual Fund for an offer price of 3.28. He later sold the shares at a net asset value of 5.16 per share. During the time Donald owned the shares, Adco paid a dividend of .23 three times. What was Donald's return on his investment? (Round to the nearest tenth of a percent)
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6 years ago
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