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dreams2 dreams2
Posts: 358
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6 years ago
Kate and Allie sell stereos. Last month Kate sold 14 more stereos than Allie. Together they sold 92. How many stereos did Allie sell?

Q. 2

Commerce Bank & Trust Company offers a business line of credit that has an annual percentage rate of prime plus 4.8, with a minimum of 11 1/2. If the prime rate is 6.25, what is the APR? (Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent)

Q. 3

14,490 votes were cast at a recent election. If the votes cast for Candidate A were 6 times the votes cast for Candidate B, how many votes did each candidate receive? a. Candidate A ___________ b. Candidate B ___________
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. 4

Artimus Price's previous month's balance on his revolving credit account was 1,216.88. The account had the following activity for May: May 10, purchases 270; May 15, a credit of 86.50; May 19, payment of 300; and May 25, purchase 122.25. The finance charge is calculated on the average daily balance at a 15 annual percentage rate. a. What is Artimus' new balance on May 31? b. How much is the finance charge for May?

Q. 5

On Valentine's Day, the flower vendor took in 334 less on rose bush sales than on tulip sales. If the total sales for the day were 818, what were the sales for each flower? a. Roses ____________ b. Tulips ____________
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. 6

Robert Smith's average daily balance for May on his revolving credit account was 267.56. The annual percentage rate is 15. How much is the finance charge for May? (Round to the nearest cent)
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6 years ago
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dreams2 Author
6 years ago
Makes tons more sense now! Vote with confidence people, these are all correct
6 years ago
Slight Smile Feeling super proud now
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