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mchico mchico
Posts: 319
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6 years ago
Which Cabinet-level department has primary responsibility for U.S. foreign policy?
  a. Department of State
  b. Department of Justice
  c. Department of the Interior
  d. Department of Homeland Security

Question -2-

What is the legacy of the Progressive era and the New Deal with respect to American economic policy?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -3-

What has been the U.S. government's recent trend regarding budget deficits and the national debt, and what factors are driving this trend?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -4-

Discuss the differences in philosophy, key actors, and tools of fiscal and monetary policy. Should the federal government give preference to one or the other? Why or why not?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
(Ans. #1)

Answer: a

(Ans. #2)

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Explain that the Progressive movement drew much of its support from the middle class and sought to reform the political, economic, and social systems.
2. Discuss some of the specific regulatory reforms of the Progressive era, including the Pure Food and Drug Act; the Meat Inspection Act, which marked the beginning of consumer protection; the Federal Reserve Act to regulate banking; and the Federal Trade Commission to strengthen anti-trust policy.
3. Explain how the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal marked a major turning point in U.S. economic history by transforming the laissez-faire state into an interventionist state, expanding the role of the government through financial reforms, agricultural policy, labor relations, and industrial regulations.
4. Note that both eras set forth policies that legitimized the expanded role of the government in the economy and became permanent public policies.

(Ans. #3)

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Discuss the trend of both increasing budget deficits and increasing levels of debt, and show how decreased revenue and increased spending drive this trend.
2. Explain the causes for the reduction in revenues, including the financial crisis and recent tax cuts.
3. Explain the causes for increased expenditures, including recent wars and the financial crisis.

(Ans. #4)

Answer: An ideal response will:
1. Discuss the difference between fiscal and monetary policy, noting that monetary policy affects the money supply and is primarily used as a tool to manage inflation, and fiscal policy is related to taxing and spending and is primarily used to address issues of unemployment.
2. Analyze the different origins of fiscal and monetary policy, noting that Congress has primary responsibility for the fiscal policy, while the Federal Reserve Board has the primary responsibility for monetary policy.
3. Compare the different tool sets of both policies, including monetary policy efforts at managing interest rates to either expand or contract the money supply to stimulate or slow down economic growth, and fiscal policy efforts to use taxation and government spending rates to help stimulate investment and employment.
4. Assert that under a specific set of circumstances, one policy menu is preferable to the other, depending on the government's interests, illustrating this through specific examples such as the recent stimulus package to reduce unemployment or the decision by the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low to encourage borrowing.
mchico Author
6 years ago
Oh god, I was lost before coming here. Thanksss
6 years ago
Great, make sure you mark the topic solved, it hides it from other eyes Slight Smile
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