Wife beating, according to national studies by Straus and Gelles in 1975 and again in 1985, increased by 27 percent in the 10 year interval.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false
Ques. 2Teenagers who placed their child for adoption suffered far more long term negative psychological consequences than those who raised their children.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false
Ques. 3Interfaith marriages are most frequent among
A) those religiously less devout.
B) Protestants.
C) Catholics.
D) Jews.
Ques. 4Teenage births:
a) occur to nearly 100,000 women a year.
b) have most sharply declined among Blacks between 1991 and 2008
c) have risen for all groups expect for Whites between 1991 and 2008
d) can be quite dangerous for the baby, although maternal outcomes are not significantly different from those of older women.
e) have increased since 1991 because of the decline in stigma associated with births outside of marriage and the highly publicized pregnancies of several celebrity teens.
Ques. 5Children in female-headed single-parent families report they talk to their mothers less often than do children in two-parent families.
Indicate whether the statement is true or false
Ques. 6Which cultures exhibit the lowest levels of cohabitation and why?
What will be an ideal response?
Ques. 7Describe the functions of an engagement.
What will be an ideal response?
Ques. 8The tensions that occur either within the family (for example, violence or alcoholism) or outside the family (such as coping with a hurricane or other natural disaster) that test a family's emotional resources are called:
a) family crisis.
b) family tension.
c) open tension.
d) learned helplessness.
e) family stress.