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B.edelen B.edelen
Posts: 372
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Which of the following is the most often misinterpreted score-interpretation indicator used with standardized tests?
  A. Raw score
  B. Percentile
  C. Stanine
  D. Grade-equivalent score

Ques. 2

Charged with incorporating more technology into the curriculum, a group of elementary teachers meet to discuss something they can do to link technology to assessment. Which of the following options is likely to be most effective?
  A) Allow students to research ideas for writing assignments.
  B) Create electronic portfolios of student work.
  C) Have students read e-books.
  D) Write a grant to get a tablet computer for every child in the district.

Ques. 3

Which of the following rules is not one that is recommended when creating a scoring rubric that will have a positive impact on classroom instruction?
  A. Make certain the skill to be assessed is truly significant.
  B. Be sure that all of the rubric's evaluative criteria can be addressed instructionally by teachers.
  C. Employ as many evaluative criteria as possible to judge major aspects of students' responses.
  D. Provide a terse label for each of the rubric's evaluative criteria.

Ques. 4

During English class a fourth-grade teacher notices a student softly repeating spelling and grammar rules that were taught during class as mnemonic (memory) aids, such as the principal is your pal to know when to use the word principle or principal when writing. What is the best way the teacher can handle this situation?
  A) Ask the student to stop talking because it may disturb others who need to concentrate.
  B) Suggest that the students collaborate to create a bulletin board of helpful mnemonic devices.
  C) Ask the student to stand up and repeat the rule for everyone to hear.
  D) Assign the student who was talking homework to create a poster of mnemonic aids.

Ques. 5

Which of the following is an instructionally beneficial rubric?
  A. A task-specific rubric
  B. A hypergeneral rubric
  C. A skill-focused rubric
  D. None of the above

Ques. 6

At a faculty meeting in February, the principal distributes a copy of an editorial that argues that students in the United States are falling far behind students in other countries where creative problem-solving abilities are concerned. One teacher reads the editorialand even agrees with itbut is unsure about where to start. What would be a recommended way of attending to children's problem-solving abilities in a more focused way?
  A) Wait until the next school year to get started because the school year is more than half over.
  B) Incorporate more group activities into lessons and rely on the students to stimulate one another's creative thinking.
  C) Put in a formal request for more training in creativity and the arts at the next teacher in-service day.
  D) Discuss ways to incorporate creative activities into the curriculum during meetings with colleagues who teach at the same grade level. Make a plan to make gradual, steady changes that improve the curriculum and schedule periodic updates on each teacher's progress.

Ques. 7

Which of the following is generally conceded to be a key component of formative assessment?
  A. Data obtained via standardized achievement tests
  B. A heavy emphasis on using students' classroom test results as a dominant factor in determining students' grades
  C. The framework provided by a learning progression's building blocks
  D. A teacher's exclusive reliance on the collection of data using constructed-response tests.

Ques. 8

After attending a professional development session on using activities related to the multiple intelligences, a first-grade teacher wants to plan a theme on letter recognition that considers children's different ways of being smart. What is the most effective way to do this?
  A) Have students focus on a different letter of the alphabet each day during handwriting and provide practice in matching upper and lower case letters.
  B) Set up learning centers where children write letters in sand with their fingertip, use a word processing program to make a collage of one letter in different fonts, build letters out of various materials (e.g., toothpicks, string dipped in white glue, fabric cut with pinking shears, etc.), and sing alphabet songs at the listening center.
  C) Read children a variety of alphabet books and point out each letter and sound to them during letter of the week activities.
  D) Have children collect examples of environmental print for each letter and share with the class.
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6 years ago
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