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Megs_Beth Megs_Beth
Posts: 340
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6 years ago
A naturally occurring contingency includes any contingency of reinforcement (or punishment) designed and implemented by a behavior analyst or practitioner to achieve acquisition, maintenance, and/or generalization of a targeted behavior change.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 2

A generalization map involves the combination generalized treatment effects of across time, across settings, across behaviors, and across subjects.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 3

Changes in the behavior of people not directly treated by an intervention as a function of treatment contingencies applied to other people is known as generalization across subjects.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 4

Contingency adduction is the emergence of accurate responding to untrained and nonreinforced stimulus-stimulus relations following the reinforcement of responses to some stimulus-stimulus relations.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 5

Faulty stimulus control is when a target behavior comes under the restricted control of an irrelevant antecedent stimulus.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 6

An indiscriminable is a contingency in which the learner can discriminate whether the next response will produce reinforcement.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 7

Generalization across subjects is also referred to as:
  a. Vicarious reinforcement
  b. Ripple effect
  c. Spillover effect
  d. All of the above
  e. None of the above

Ques. 8

The total environment where instruction occurs, including any aspects of the environment, planned or unplanned, that may influence the learner's acquisition and generalization of the target behavior is referred to as the generalization setting.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 9

CRF should only be utilized during initial acquisition of a skill for a learner.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 10

State and discuss/illustrate three guidelines for promoting the success and effectiveness of self-monitoring.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 11

List and briefly discuss (e.g. a rationale) recommended steps for conducting an effective self-management program.
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 59 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

False . A contrived contingency includes any contingency of reinforcement

Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4

False . Stimulus equivalence is the emergence of accurate responding to untrained and nonreinforced stimulus-stimulus relations following the reinforcement of responses to some stimulus-stimulus relations

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

False . An indiscriminable is a contingency in which the learner cannot discriminate whether the next response will produce reinforcement.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

False . The total environment where instruction occurs, including any aspects of the environment, planned or unplanned, that may influence the learner's acquisition and generalization of the target behavior is referred to as the instructional setting.

Answer to #9

False . CRF should be during initial acquisition of a skill for a learner and also when strengthening little-used skills for a learner.

Answer to #10

should include three of the following guidelines for self-monitoring with a description or illustration of each stated guideline: Provide materials that make self-monitoring easy, provide supplementary cues or prompts, self-monitor the most important dimension of the target behavior, self-monitor early & often, reinforce accurate self-monitoring.

Answer to #11

Answers may vary slightly but should include the following six steps with a brief description/rationale for each: specify a goal and define the behavior to be changed, begin self-monitoring the behavior, contrive contingencies that will compete with natural contingencies, go public with your commitment to change your behavior, get a self-management partner, continually evaluate your self-management program and redesign it as necessary.
Megs_Beth Author
6 years ago
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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