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hbuedu hbuedu
Posts: 336
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6 years ago
Let's look at this scenario from another point of view. The parents of the child in Question 2 are very tired because they work hard and are trying to raise a young child. The child begins crying. When they put the child in their own bed, the child stops crying. Therefore, in the future, they are more likely to put the child in their own bed. What has occurred in this situation?
  a. The parents have been reinforced for putting the child in their bed via positive reinforcement.
  b. The parents have been reinforced for putting the child in their bed via negative reinforcement.
  c. The parents have been punished for putting the child in their bed via punishment by removal.
  d. The parents have been punished for putting the child in their bed via punishment by presentation.
  e. There is not enough information to answer this question.

Ques. 2

Assume you have a student in class, Ben, who becomes severely aggressive whenever another student takes his toys away from him. When Ben hits them, the other children tend to return the toys they took away from him. What can be said about this situation?
  a. Ben's aggression has been positively reinforced by the children returning the toy to him.
  b. Ben's aggression has been negatively reinforced by the children taking the toy away from him.
  c. Ben's aggression has been punished (via presentation) by the children returning the toy to him.
  d. Ben's aggression has been punished (via removal) by the children taking the toy away from him.
  e. There is not enough information to answer this question.

Ques. 3

What are some of the potential side effects of using punishment as a treatment intervention? (Include at least three)
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Ms. Franklin conducted a survey with her class to identify stimuli that might serve as reinforcers. All of the students in her class indicated that extra recess time and pencils would be some things they would like to earn. She then collected baseline data on the number of math problems each student correctly completes during seatwork time. Following this, she told her students they can have 5 minutes of extra recess if they complete 5 more math problems during seatwork time today than they did yesterday. Each day, she increased the number of math problems the students needed to complete to earn extra recess. She kept a graph of the results, which is shown below. What can be said about what she has done?
  a. She has demonstrated that extra recess functions as a punisher for work completion.
  b. She has demonstrated that pencils have no effect on work completion.
  c. She has demonstrated that extra recess functions as a reinforcer for work completion.
  d. She has demonstrated that pencils are a reinforcer for work completion.

Ques. 5

Here is a common situation: New parents put a child to bed. The child begins to cry, so the parents comfort the child and allow the child to sleep in bed with them. Thus, when they put the child to bed in the future, she is more likely to cry. What has occurred in this situation?
  a. The parents have positively reinforced crying.
  b. The parents have negatively reinforced crying.
  c. The parents have punished crying by removing the child's bed.
  d. The parents have punished crying by presenting a stimulus.
  e. There is not enough information to answer this question.

Ques. 6

_____ Emotional and aggressive acts are potential side effects of punishment use.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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Cam f.Cam f.
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6 years ago
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