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Beezus Beezus
Posts: 339
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6 years ago
Religious attendance increased from 32 percent of high school seniors in 1975 to 41 percent in 1992.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 2

Rules are needed in order to specify how students will get things done and accomplish the activities necessary for learning.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 3

Formal detentions are held by schools after the normal school day, during lunch period, or during other free periods.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 4

This term refers to the extent to which a test completely and accurately captures the theoretical attribute it is designed to measure.
  a. construct validity
  b. predictive validity
  c. reliability
  d. content validity

Ques. 5

Given what we know about the development of sense of self, three of the following are likely scenarios. Which scenario is not likely to occur?
  a. Daniel knows he has many friends, but he wishes he were a better student.
  b. Mike vacillates between thinking of himself as being very smart and as being extremely stupid.
  c. Aaron thinks that kids his age don't like him, so he spends most of his spare time with his parents.
  d. Rex knows he's good in math and science but thinks of himself as a total klutz when it comes to sports.

Ques. 6

Much of what we communicate--whether intentionally or unintentionally--is nonverbal.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 7

You can use proximity to the student as a cue to the student to halt misbehavior.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 8

Three of the following are definitely examples of scaffolding. Identify the situation in which no scaffolding is described.
  a. Ms. Andrews likes to challenge her students by giving them group research projects. She puts her students in groups of three or four students each, and she gives each student a topic to research. She sends the groups to the school library to find out as much as they can about their topic, and then has each group give a report to the entire class.
  b. Mr. Bender is teaching a unit on beginning tennis. In the early stages of teaching a correct tennis swing, he uses an automatic ball server that serves balls with consistent speed, height, and direction. He also continually reminds students to Keep your eye on the ball and Hold your arm straight. Later in the unit he begins to serve the balls himself, varying the speed, height, and direction of the serves. And he begins to taper off his reminders about what to do.
  c. Ms. Carrera helps students solve math word problems by providing visual illustrations of the elements of the problem and by showing them models (i.e., similar problems that have been worked out correctly). As the weeks go by, she provides fewer and fewer visual illustrations and fewer and fewer model problems, until eventually the students can solve the problems without either form of assistance.
  d. Mr. Donaldson's students are just beginning to learn how to take notes in class. For the first few weeks Mr. D. begins class by handing out a detailed outline about the topic for the day. By December he is handing out an outline covering only the main points of the day, encouraging students to fill in the blank spaces on the sheet with ideas relative to each point. By May students are writing down main points and relevant details on their own.

Ques. 9

The premise of the I message approach is that the teacher's authority and ability to punish students should be used as a powerful discipline technique.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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6 years ago
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