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megnogz megnogz
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
Identify two types of scaffolding in the example.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Mike is an impulsive and immature first-grade child. He seems to lack control and is not motivated to engage in class activities. His teacher, Mr. Alexander, suggests that instead of a management plan for Mike, perhaps some parenting classes could be of benefit. Based upon his suggestion, what can we infer about Mr. Alexander's perception of the parenting style of Mike's parents?
  a. He feels they are uninvolved.
  b. He feels they are authoritarian.
  c. He feels they are permissive.
  d. He feels they are authoritative.

Ques. 3

Keith is attempting to use his classroom management system to help promote healthy personality development. He focuses on a balance between rules and structure and student choice and input in decision making. He uses consequences that are related to the student infraction and tries to be firm but fair. Keith best illustrates which type of classroom management style?
  a. Authoritarian
  b. Authoritative
  c. Permissive
  d. Uninvolved

Ques. 4

As teachers we want to try and promote healthy personality development in our students. Which of the following is the most effective way to promote this personality development?
  a. Model desirable personality traits, such as openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
  b. Describe desirable personality traits for students, and explain why desirable personality traits lead to higher achievement, both in school and in the workplace.
  c. Praise students when they demonstrate desirable personality traits, and reprimand students when they display undesirable personality traits.
  d. Make displaying desirable personality traits one of your classroom rules.

Ques. 5

Peers influence social development in three ways. Which of the following is not one of those ways?
  a. Attitudes and values
  b. Self-regulation
  c. Opportunities to practice social skills
  d. Emotional support

Ques. 6

Rafael's Spanish heritage and identification with Mallorca best describes his:
  a. culture.
  b. ethnicity.
  c. diversity.
  d. assimilation.

Ques. 7

Montel, in response to reading about the declining morals in this country, states, I'm going to pay my income tax anyway. What would happen to the country if everybody cheated? His reasoning best illustrates which stage?
  a. Punishment and obedience
  b. Market exchange
  c. Law and order
  d. Social contract
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Having students come to the board to fill in the missing letters was a form of modeling that provided one form of scaffolding. Her questioning and cues provided additional forms of scaffolding.

Answer to #2


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