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lilipie lilipie
Posts: 309
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6 years ago
Students have just done well on what was obviously an easy assignment. If their teacher praises them for their success, they are likely to:
  a. Exert more effort next time
  b. Have high self-efficacy for academic tasks
  c. Adopt mastery goals rather than performance goals
  d. Conclude that they will have difficulty with more challenging tasks

Ques. 2

Virginia is 7 years old. Georgia is 14 years old. Both girls like to write short stories, but neither is a very writer. Virginia is more likely than Georgia to believe that:
  a. Good writing is all a matter of luck.
  b. She has little chance of ever writing professionally.
  c. She can become an excellent writer if she continues to work at it.
  d. Professional writing is beyond the reach of all but a few very talented individuals.

Ques. 3

A learner's expectancy about success in the classroom is influenced by three of the following factors. Which one will probably be least influential?
  a. How successful the learner has been in the past
  b. How helpful the learner thinks the teacher's instruction will be
  c. Whether the learner has set short-term or long-term goals
  d. How much effort the learner thinks will be necessary to succeed

Ques. 4

John has just failed a testin a sense, his test performance has been punished. From the perspective of attributions, is John likely to work harder to pass his next test?
  a. Definitely not
  b. Absolutely yes
  c. Yes, provided that he believes his test performance is the result of something he didn't do but could do next time
  d. Yes, provided that his low test score is accompanied by information about strengths and weaknesses about his performance.

Ques. 5

Roxanne and her teammates consistently lose basketball games by a very close margin. Roxanne believes that their losses are always due to bad calls by the referees. With this information and the typical nature of students' attributions in mind, identify the statement below that is most likely to be an accurate description of Roxanne?
  a. She feels guilty about not practicing harder.
  b. She feels resentment toward the referees.
  c. She has decreasing self-confidence about her ability to play basketball.
  d. She intends to ask her coach for suggestions about how to improve her game.

Ques. 6

Which one of the following students most clearly has a work-avoidance goal?
  a. Last night Frederick stayed up so late watching television that he can hardly stay awake in class.
  b. Loni is so active in student government that she often doesn't have time to get her homework done.
  c. Chris asks for his teacher's help on a task he is perfectly capable of doing on his own.
  d. Nancy wonders why she has to work harder than her friends to get the same grades they do.

Ques. 7

Which one of the following students most clearly has a doing-just enough goal?
  a. Dave wants to pass his chemistry class with a C. To do so he reads only the necessary chapters to get a C on the exam.
  b. Mae wants to pass her chemistry class with an A. She does all of the assigned reading and any extra reading she can find so she can do very well on the exam.
  c. Naomi does not like chemistry and does not study for her exam. However, she received an A on the exam.
  d. Prudence really enjoys chemistry, but is a very anxious test taker. No matter how much she studies, she always gets C's on her exams.
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6 years ago
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