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jojo13 jojo13
6 years ago
Three of the following teaching strategies should enhance students' sense of autonomy. Which one is unlikely to do so?
  a. Describing desired classroom behaviors in an informational manner rather than as what students must do.
  b. Suggesting study strategies that can help students learn classroom subject matter more effectively.
  c. Giving students occasional choices about how to accomplish classroom objectives.
  d. Making students well aware that you always know what they're doing and how well they're doing it.

Ques. 2

Which one of the following statements best describes motivation theorists' concept of autonomy?
  a. Reinforcing yourself when you do a good job
  b. Believing that you have some choice about what you do
  c. Deciding what kind of person you want to become
  d. Knowing you can accomplish something if you just put your mind to it

Ques. 3

Relationships with peers are often foremost in 12-year-old Jonathan's mind and can have a huge impact on his emotional state. For example, when classmates treat him well, he's quite happy and self-assured, but when someone snubs him or makes fun of him, he becomes very depressed and thinks, No one likes me. Which one of the following concepts related to motivation best explains Jonathan's significant mood swings?
  a. Contingent self-worth
  b. Self-handicapping
  c. Self-actualization
  d. Need for achievement

Ques. 4

If you were to incorporate Maslow's hierarchy of needs into your teaching practices, you would be most likely to:
  a. Emphasize the importance of getting good grades
  b. Remind students frequently about how their current achievements in school will affect their success as adults
  c. Make sure your students feel safe and secure
  d. Focus on the use of intrinsic reinforcers (such as feeling proud) rather than extrinsic reinforcers (such as praise) for all students

Ques. 5

Three of the following are true statements regarding problem based learning? Which of the following is not?
  a. New skills and knowledge are acquired while solving complex and real-world problems.
  b. Problem based learning is not effective in higher education (i.e. undergraduate and graduate levels); it is only effective in K-12 settings.
  c. Problem based learning can be highly motivating to students.
  d. The complex problems used in problem based learning can impose very heavy cognitive loads.

Ques. 6

Three of the following statements describe how cooperative groups can promote more effective problem solving. Which statement is not an accurate statement regarding the benefits of cooperative group problem solving?
  a. Group members are likely to come to quick consensus about the best way to solve a problem.
  b. Group members can clarify their individual sources of confusion regarding the subject matter in question.
  c. By describing possible problem-solving strategies to their peers, students may gain better insight into the cognitive processes they use.
  d. Group members who possess effective problem-solving strategies model the use of such strategies for others.

Ques. 7

Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivation in instructional settings. Which one is false?
  a. Reminding students of how important good grades are will promote extrinsic motivation more than intrinsic motivation.
  b. Compared to students who are extrinsically motivated, students who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to learn classroom material in meaningful and effective ways.
  c. Extrinsically motivated students may sometimes exert only the minimal effort needed to complete classroom assignments.
  d. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are mutually exclusive: Students who have one are highly unlikely to have the other.

Ques. 8

The four statements below describe effects that motivation may have on cognition and/or behavior. Three of the statements are accurate. Which one is not necessarily accurate?
  a. Motivation influences how information is mentally processed.
  b. Motivation enhances memory for information irrelevant to the task at hand.
  c. Motivation increases task persistence.
  d. Motivation influences the choices that people make.

Ques. 9

Which of the following students is most likely using a digital intelligent tutoring program?
  a. Molly is using a spelling program that audibly presents her with words to spell using her keyboard. If she misspells a word, the program gives her personalized guidance to teach her to correctly spell the word.
  b. Jake is using a program that advertises itself as helping children become more intelligent. It gives him many different problems to solve in a specific amount of time.
  c. Nancy is using a program to learn how to tutor young children. She is instructed to read various passages and answer corresponding questions.
  d. Chris is using a program to learn how to type. It provides no feedback for incorrect responses.

Ques. 10

Which of the following students is most clearly engaging in adaptive expertise?
  a. Alex loves to ride his bike to school and gets many other children to join him.
  b. Julie is very good at chemistry. She often receives the highest grade in her class and has started tutoring other students in chemistry.
  c. Marisa struggles with math, however she is very good at English.
  d. Paul always excelled at math in school. He now works as a construction worker and used arithmetic everyday to calculate measurements.

Ques. 11

Which one of the following is most likely to be useful in teaching children to solve mathematical problems effectively?
  a. Teaching tricks such as When you see altogether in a problem, you should add
  b. Making sure that students know why procedures work, as well as how to use them
  c. Having students practice procedures in isolation before applying them to real-life situations
  d. Making sure that students can think abstractly before they begin to solve problems
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