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Bryzgalov Bryzgalov
Posts: 315
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6 years ago
In the geography unit about the continents, Mr. Reyna asked students several discussion questions. Which of his questions requires students to think critically?
  a. Based on your knowledge of the geography and culture of Greenland, explain why you would or would not place it in the North American continent?
  b. What are the names and locations of the continents?
  c. Based on information from your text, what events took place to bring about the formation of the continents we have today?
  d. Compare the continents. Which one has the most countries, and which one has the largest land mass?

Ques. 2

Which teacher is helping third grade students to develop metacognitive skills in writing?
  a. After you choose your topic, come up with three points you want to communicate about the topic.
  b. You should choose a topic that is very familiar to you. Then you will be able to write about it in a way that holds your reader's interest.
  c. Write a topic sentence first. Your topic sentence should introduce your reader to the topic and capture the reader's attention.
  d. Ask yourself what helped you remember the boy's appearance, and use that knowledge to come up with descriptive words.

Ques. 3

The students in Ms. Lemley's class are working on a project in which their collaborative groups take different positions on an issue related to the world economy. They conduct research and discuss ideas that support their positions. After each group presents its position and defense, the entire class discusses pros and cons of proposed positions. These students are involved in:
  a. scaffolding.
  b. social negotiation.
  c. a community of practice.
  d. Piaget's idea of assimilation.

Ques. 4

Celeste is trying to learn the series of steps involved in a lengthy procedure she needs to use in chemistry class. She takes the first letter of a keyword in each step and puts the combination of letters together to form a contrived word she can remember. What process is Celeste using to remember the steps?
  a. Chain mnemonics
  b. Keyword method
  c. Mnemonic technique using the loci method
  d. Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym

Ques. 5

When Jennifer took algebra, she was really quick about solving two-step equations. She hasn't taken a math course in over a year, and she's struggling on the standardized test. She knows it's worth taking the time to figure out the steps again and solve the equations. She is using:
  a. spreading activation retrieval.
  b. reconstruction retrieval.
  c. implicit retrieval.
  d. episodic retrieval.

Ques. 6

Matthew is a brilliant student who seems rather arrogant about his intelligence and academic success. He corrected a comment made by his English teacher in class yesterday. The teacher complimented him for his analytical thinking and provided information to support her comment. After class, Matthew told his buddy that the teacher was wrong. His buddy said, Well she gave you the source of her information. I don't think you have a leg to stand on. What specific problem solving attribute is Matthew demonstrating?
  a. Representativeness heuristic
  b. Functional fixedness
  c. Availability heuristic
  d. Belief perseverance

Ques. 7

In her small reading group, Mrs. Casey discussed new vocabulary words with the students. She explained that the new word dugout is used to describe a place in the hillside that was dug out by the pioneer family in the story and used for shelter. She asked students to draw a picture to represent the new vocabulary word dugout to help them remember the meaning. Which of the following students used divergent thinking to represent the word's meaning?
  a. Maria drew a hole in the side of a hill with tall grass growing on top.
  b. Julio drew a bearcurled upin a dugout at the side of a rocky mountain.
  c. Karmen drew a small opening in a hillside and put a door on it.
  d. Stan drew a cave in the side of a hill with trees growing around it.

Ques. 8

Ms. Anderson wants to encourage creative thinking in her students. She uses all of the following strategies and responses. Which one is LEAST likely to promote creativity?
  a. Students work in groups to come up with their solutions to an ill-structured problem.
  b. Ms. Anderson teaches students how to use the LINCS steps to learn vocabulary.
  c. The class brainstorms ways to use their new knowledge to improve safety at school.
  d. Students describe situations during a war when it might have been appropriate for soldiers to break a certain rule.

Ques. 9

Based on the following descriptions, which of these students seems to exhibit the highest degree of creativity?
  a. Julianna is usually the first one in her third grade class to finish the math assignment every day. She likes to compete to be first, and she usually makes a perfect score on her math papers.
  b. Arial knows more facts about the solar system than anyone else in her fifth grade class. During class discussions, she often tells something she has learned about one of the planets.
  c. Foster began taking piano lessons when he was four years old. His parents make sure he practices every day. Now he's a senior in high school and plays with the philharmonic in his city.
  d. Leo often throws out metaphors during class discussions and is curious about everything (the way his desk is constructed, the way his ball bounces on different surfaces).
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