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mvast mvast
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6 years ago
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of Asperger's syndrome?
  a. It is a mild or moderate form of autism.
  b. It is likely to impact a student's social functioning.
  c. Its prevalence is typically limited to students with below-average cognitive functioning.
  d. Its effects become more apparent as students get older.

Ques. 2

To learn how to spell rhinoceros, Paula repeats the letters of the word over and over without really thinking about what she is saying or using any other encoding strategies. Considering what psychologists have learned about the effectiveness of rehearsal, we can predict that Paula's strategy will be:
  A) Highly effective.
  B) Effective only if she says the letters in a very loud voice.
  C) Effective only if she says the letters slowly (e.g., at a rate of one letter per second).
  D) Relatively ineffective.

Ques. 3

A Content Mastery Classroom allows students with disabilities to be integrated into the regular classroom but also to receive extra support and supplemental instruction as needed.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 4

In a highly heterogeneous class, a teacher should give everyone the same assignment because it will help him/her be able to track student progress efficiently.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 5

Which one of the following statements best describes psychologists' proposal that children's knowledge sometimes takes the form of theories?
  A) The ways in which children categorize their experiences usually have little relevance to physical reality.
  B) Children develop a general set of beliefs about how the world operates.
  C) In the early years, children develop concrete understandings of events; these understandings become increasingly abstract as they reach adolescence.
  D) Children form hypotheses about what things are and are not examples of a concept.

Ques. 6

Students from impoverished homes may respond inappropriately to being disciplined because their culture has taught them to value saving face.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 7

Four boys read this line from a story: The two men entered the restaurant and ordered hamburgers. Which one of the boys is clearly using a script while reading the story?
  A) Alex assumes that the men probably looked at a menu before ordering.
  B) Bob is guessing that the men probably have evil motives.
  C) Colin wonders what the men look like.
  D) Devon thinks that the men should be more careful about their cholesterol intake.

Ques. 8

Students who are deaf or hearing impaired may be reluctant to tell the teacher when they have missed something that has been said.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 9

A structured but relaxed approach is helpful for students with attention deficit disorder.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 10

Which one of the following strategies is most likely to encourage students to correct their existing misconceptions?
  A) Give students as much information about a topic as possible.
  B) Show students how new information contradicts what they presently believe.
  C) Point out that smart students don't misunderstand classroom topics.
  D) Encourage students to take extensive notes on their reading assignments.

Ques. 11

Some learning theorists propose that learning is a process of constructing knowledge. Explain the role that construction plays in each of the following, illustrating your discussion of each with a concrete example: a. Long-term memory storage b. Long-term memory retrieval
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 12

Piaget presented his studies of conservation as evidence of the illogical thinking of young children. a. What did he mean by the term conservation? b. Describe one of his conservation tasks and the kinds of responses that children in the preoperational and concrete operations stages are likely to give. c. Describe a specific way in which a child's ability to conserve is essential for learning in either mathematics or science.
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 211 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4

False. Differentiating assignments is important when students' abilities vary widely.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7


Answer to #8


Answer to #9


Answer to #10


Answer to #11

a. Learners often construct a meaningful interpretation of the information they receivea process that involves combining new information with things already known. A concrete example should clearly reflect pulling both old information and new information together in a constructive manner during storage.
b. Sometimes only part of the needed information can be retrieved. When this happens, general knowledge of how the world typically operates is used to fill in missing pieces. A concrete example should illustrate how retrieved information and general knowledge are pulled together during retrieval.

Answer to #12

a. Conservation is the recognition that if nothing is added or taken away, an amount stays the same regardless of alterations in shape or arrangement.
b. The student's response might describe conservation of liquid (e.g., the water-glasses task described in Chapter 5), conservation of weight (e.g., the balls-of-clay task described in Chapter 5), conservation of displaced volume (the immersed-clay task describe in Chapter 5), conservation of number, or any other conservation task with which the student is familiar. Responses of preoperational children reflect a lack of conservation (e.g., One has more than the other), whereas those of concrete operational children reflect an awareness that amounts are still equal despite changes in appearance.
c. There are a number of possible responses to this question. Following are two examples:
 In mathematics, conservation of number is essential for an understanding of numbers. Children must realize that 4 is 4 is 4, no matter how the four items are arranged.
 In science, students studying the concept of weight must understand that weight stays the same regardless of physical transformations. For example, gas that is heated expands but still weighs the same as it did before.
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