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Canegang Canegang
Posts: 339
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6 years ago
Three of the teachers below are using strategies consistent with the textbook's suggestions for holding class discussions. Which teacher is using a strategy that is not consistent with the textbook's recommendations?
  A) Mr. Poston assures students that it's okay if they change their minds about an issue.
  B) Mr. Morris encourages shy students to remain silent throughout a discussion if they prefer to do so.
  C) Mr. Sheehan asks a student to think of a justification for a point of view opposite to what the student actually believes.
  D) Mr. Retzlaff divides his class into groups of four students each to discuss both sides of a controversial issue.

Ques. 2

The four teachers below are assigning homework to their students. Which teacher is giving an assignment that's inconsistent with general recommendations regarding the appropriate use of homework?
  A) Mr. Rhodes asks his eighth graders to write the answers to a series of questions based on material they've been studying over the past week.
  B) Ms. Wong asks her sixth graders to make up sentences using each of their new spelling words.
  C) Mr. Needham asks his first graders to bring something from home that begins with the letter B.
  D) Ms. Powell asks her high school algebra students to read the next two chapters in their textbook, do the end-of-chapter problems, and submit their work to be graded.

Ques. 3

Which one of the following best illustrates differentiated instruction?
  A) Having students work in cooperative groups with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds
  B) Using at least three different instructional methods (e.g., a lecture, a cooperative learning activity, and computer-based instruction) in a single lesson
  C) Using competitive activities with boys but cooperative activities with girls
  D) Assigning different reading materials to different students, depending on each student's current reading skills

Ques. 4

Which one of the following statements best captures the textbook's view about the value of the Internet in classroom instruction?
  A) It has potential as a learning tool, but teachers should scaffold and monitor students' use of it.
  B) Many computer experts suggest that its dangers (e.g., exposure to racism and other forms of intolerance) far outweigh the benefits it might have for children and adolescents.
  C) It appears to be far more effective than classroom lectures as a way to promote learning, especially at the secondary level.
  D) Its effects are minimal unless students each have access to their own computer terminal.

Ques. 5

As a teacher, you want your students to get firsthand experiences with a particular topic. Which of the following instructional strategies would be best to accomplish this goal?
  A) Direct instruction
  B) Peer tutoring
  C) Inquiry learning
  D) Mastery instruction

Ques. 6

Which one of the following uses of a computer in instruction is most similar to an authentic activity?
  A) A computer simulation that allows students to conduct an experiment
  B) A computer-based instructional program that teaches the basics of first aid
  C) A computer-based instructional program that teaches advanced human anatomy
  D) A computer game that promotes automaticity for basic math facts

Ques. 7

Ms. Mills holds up a picture of a dog and asks her first graders, What letter does this word start with? Most of the students yell out, D You're absolutely right, Ms. Mills responds, the word dog begins with a D. This interaction can best be described as:
  A) An IRE cycle.
  B) A backward design.
  C) An authentic activity.
  D) Learner-directed instruction.

Ques. 8

Mario is an 8-year-old third grader who lives in a largely Hispanic community in Arizona. Considering typical ethnic group differences and without knowing anything else about Mario, with which instructional approach would you expect him to feel most comfortable?
  A) A textbook chapter appropriate for his reading skills
  B) A cooperative learning activity
  C) A direct instruction session
  D) An in-class workbook exercise

Ques. 9

Which one of the following best reflects what the textbook author means in the recommendation to use technology to enhance communication and collaboration?
  A) Students share their work on a computer database, give one another feedback, and build on one another's ideas.
  B) Students create personal pages on Facebook in order to share their experiences and perspectives with friends from a variety of cultures.
  C) Students meet in Internet chat rooms during the evening hours to work on assigned homework tasks.
  D) Two classes in distant locations use telephone lines and video technology to compare their experiences growing up in distinctively different cultures.

Ques. 10

Which one of the following teaching strategies is the clearest example of how a teacher might scaffold complex cognitive processes in instruction?
  A) Give students index cards with the words YES and No, and have them use the cards to vote on answers to questions presented during classroom lectures.
  B) Have students tutor younger children on subject matter they know very well.
  C) Provide considerable guidance on problem-solving tasks early in the school year and gradually remove this guidance as students become more proficient.
  D) Make sure students have mastered the basic facts and skills taught in one unit before proceeding to the next unit.

Ques. 11

A child says to you, My momma she be happy about my good report card. This child appears to:
  A) Have grown up in Northern Ireland and so is using idioms typical of that country.
  B) Be using African American English, a dialect with some grammatical constructions different from those of Standard English.
  C) Have had little exposure to language during a critical period in her language development.
  D) Have a speech disorder that sometimes results from environmental toxins (e.g., lead-based paint).
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6 years ago
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