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6 years ago
Brandon, who is a social work major, was thrilled to start his internship at the local family social services agency. During the first week of his internship, his supervisor offered him an opportunity to respond to a federal Request for Proposal and apply for a grant. Brandon is charged with writing a grant to secure funds to develop an educational program for prenatal care. The grant application requires narrative that presents the need for the project. Discuss four major points Brandon could make in an effort to justify the need for a prenatal education program for new parents?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Monika, who will turn forty next month, is very upset because she has not been able to get pregnant. Monika and her husband have been trying for nearly five years to conceive a child. They have made the decision to see a doctor about reproductive technologies. What options are they going to hear from their doctor, and what is a strength and limitation associated with the various reproductive technologies?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

In your fifth grade science class, one of your students asks, Why am I a boy? How might you explain to your fifth grade class in very simple terms how sex is determined?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

You have been asked by your colleagues at the child development center to participate in a parenting workshop. More specifically, you have been asked to explain how children inherit traits from their parents and ancestors. How might you cover this topic, and what are two keys points you would want to discuss with the workshop attendees?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Dr. Julian, a local university professor and researcher, went into a classroom as a visitor and observed children's behaviors during a science lesson. Dr. Julian did not talk with the children, but she observed their behaviors and collected data that she later published in a professional journal. The children were unaware that Dr. Julian was collecting and analyzing their behavior. Which of the following statements applies to this situation?
  a. Dr. Julian should have gone through the Institutional Review Board process and obtained signed consent from a parent/guardian of each child.
  b. As long as Dr. Julian maintains confidentiality and does not use the names of the children, there are no problems with her research methodology.
  c. Dr. Julian did not need to obtain an informed consent from any of the parents/guardians because she is a university professor. She had been approved for the classroom visit.
  d. Although Dr. Julian did not need the permission of the parents, she should have asked the children either verbally or in writing for their permission to participate in the research project.

Ques. 6

A researcher wants to understand resiliency in children after they experience failure. Although the researcher did not obtain approval from the Institutional Review Board, she did obtain signatures of parents/guardians on informed consent forms. The children in the study do not know it, but the researcher programmed the computer software so that the students will not be able to complete the science problem they are given in their virtual online science laboratory. The researcher is most interested in seeing which children become frustrated to the point of crying or giving up prior to solving the problem. What is our major concern with this research study?
  a. The researcher collected informed consent forms from the parents and guardians, but not the children.
  b. The researcher may cause harm to the children, who may become frustrated and ultimately distrustful of adults. The researcher is using deceptive practices in her research design.
  c. The research design actually discriminates against children from lower income families. They have less experience with technology such as the virtual online science laboratory.
  d. The research design ultimately examines intelligence. The more intelligent children will recognize the impossibility of the task and stop trying. Children with lower intelligence will keep trying.

Ques. 7

Mr. Langley is a fourth-grade teacher, who is completing a graduate degree in educational policy studies. To meet the requirements for one of his graduate courses, Mr. Langley needs to complete a research project. He decides to measure reading comprehension using the students in his own class as research participants. He asks parents for their permission to allow him to test the reading comprehension of his students outside the regular school day. He has obtained permission from the Institutional Review Board. The IRB approved his request to offer incentives to the parents who allow their children to participate in his study only if:
  a. the incentive is given to the parents before the study begins.
  b. the incentive is given to the parents after the study has concluded and the data have been analyzed.
  c. the incentive or thank you gift is consistent with what the parents or children would expect in their own lives.
  d. all children in the study are also provided an incentive or gift for their participation.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The nine-month pregnancy period is extremely important and can have significant implications for the health and well-being of an infant. First, women need good and ongoing prenatal testing to determine the health and development of the zygote, embryo, or fetus. It is beneficial to know early in the pregnancy if there are any problems so that parents can make good informed choices about possible interventions or treatment. Some hereditary diseases can be minimized or controlled if detected early. For example, in utero surgeries can be performed to repair a baby's defective heart or respiratory system.
The proposed educational program will focus on the importance of good maternal nutrition. Pregnant women need to distinguish between undernutrition and malnutrition. Undernutrition is the term used to describe the case in which the proper foods and nutrients are available, but not ingested by the mother. Malnutrition refers to the situation in which the necessary nutrients are not available to the mother. Nutrition is not a topic to be discussed in isolation, rather it is a complex contextual factor that is best considered in concert with discussion about maternal stress and access to good social support.
The education program will also address teratogens and their effects. By the time a woman becomes pregnant, environmental hazards influence prenatal development. Women need to be aware of products and practices that are hazardous. For example, they need to know the harmful effects of the mother's smoking, alcohol consumption, and use of prescription and nonprescription drugs. They need to be keenly aware of birth defects and risks associated with teratogens.
Additionally, the prenatal care program will educate parents about the sensitivities of the fetus to the immediate environment  recognition of practices that nurture the relationship between mother and baby in utero. For example, the fetus hears sounds and recognizes its native language by hearing it spoken. The fetus experiences wake and sleep cycles, and mothers can learn to synchronize their cycles with those of their neonate.

Answer to #2

Reproductive technologies include fertility-enhancing medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Fertility-enhancing medications (designed to stimulate egg production) and IUI are inexpensive, but limited in effectiveness. ART procedures, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and zygote intrafollopian transfer (ZIFT) all rely on some form of fertilization outside the fallopian tube in a lab. Following conception, the zygote is placed in the uterus or fallopian tube (depending on the chosen procedure) prior to implantation. These procedures are expensive, usually are not covered by insurance, and do not guarantee success. IVF has the added risk of miscarriage associated with multiples.

Answer to #3

Scientists have numbered the chromosomes according to genetic material contained in each pair. The 23rd pair of chromosomes determines the sex of the developing baby. In male zygotes, the 23rd pair of chromosomes consists of one elongated mass called the X chromosome, and a Y chromosome that is shorter and smaller in mass. In female zygotes, the 23rd pair consists of two X chromosomes. The chromosome pair that the zygote receives (by the joining of the sperm and ova) depends upon the specific sperm cell that fertilizes the egg. The egg always contains an X chromosome. The sperm cell may contain either an X or a Y chromosome. In other words, the father's sperm determines whether a baby is a boy or a girl.

Answer to #4

You might first explain that genetics is the field of study that helps us understand how humans inherit the characteristics that make them unique. Cells, the 46 chromosomes (44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes), genes, and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are the building blocks of life. You would first explain that a cell is the smallest organism or unit of life. We have about 60 trillion cells (200 different types) in our bodies. We have cells associated with our hair shaft, oral cavity, muscle, and much more.
Each cell (except red blood cells) has a nucleus that contains chromosomes, DNA, and genes. The chromosomes consist of thousands of chemical segments called DNA. The DNA is made up of two strands of molecules that twist around each other in a double helix shape. In the 46 chromosomes of each human cell, there are approximately 3 billion pairs of such DNA molecules. The specific sequence of the molecule pairs makes up our genetic code. Genes reside within DNA and inform cells which proteins to make. Genes influence our hair color, eye color, the shape of our mouths and noses, and more.
Sex cells (gametes) contain 23 chromosomes, half of the individual's genetic content. When sperm and ova combine, they form one cell (zygote) containing hereditary material from each parent. Traits emerge from the interaction of genetics and environmental factors.
One of the major points to make is that we can trace an individual's uniqueness back to genetic makeup. We can match DNA to an individual's hair, blood, and saliva. In addition to physical characteristics, geneticists are now finding ways to explain some parts of our personality and behaviors by mapping our genetic code. A second major point to make is that the study of genetics can help us map migration populations. It is possible to determine where our distant ancestors were from and their migration paths.
Additional point:
Genetic abnormalities can be the result of mutations: random changes in the chemical structure of one or more genes that may or may not be harmful. Such mutations may not occur again in a family. Prenatal tests such as the combined test during the first trimester of pregnancy help detect chromosomal abnormalities.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7

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