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oicyunvme oicyunvme
Posts: 375
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6 years ago
Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for talking with parents about a student's misbehavior. Which one is not consistent with the textbook's recommendations?
  a. Ask for parents' opinions regarding possible reasons for the misbehavior.
  b. Point out that the parents are partly to blame for the misbehavior.
  c. Acknowledge that raising children in this day and age is a challenging task.
  d. Try to reach an agreement with the parents regarding an appropriate strategy for dealing with the misbehavior.

Ques. 2

Mr. Jacobs is speaking privately with Alicia, who has obviously been having trouble paying attention in class over the past two weeks. Three of the following strategies are appropriate things for Mr. Jacobs to do.
  Which strategy is not recommended for a private conference with a student?
   a. Mr. Jacobs should communicate an openness to hearing what Alicia has to say.
   b. Mr. Jacobs might explain how he feels hurt that she doesn't find class very interesting.
   c. Mr. Jacobs can give Alicia a choice regarding how the problem might best be solved.
   d. Mr. Jacobs should remind Alicia that he is ultimately in charge in the classroom.

Ques. 3

In which one of the following situations would it be best to ignore a student's misbehavior?
  a. Fritz and Irene are throwing paper airplanes across the room.
  b. Jim keeps pulling Jackie's hair while she's trying to work at her desk.
  c. Harriet gets up to sharpen her pencil at least once every 10 minutes.
  d. Mary asks a classmate to clarify an assignment and then returns to her work.

Ques. 4

. In which one of the following situations is cueing an appropriate means of dealing with misbehavior in the classroom?
  a. When you want to set an example from which other students can learn
  b. When the behavior is already being punished by a natural consequence
  c. When the behavior interferes with learning but is not serious in nature
  d. When the misbehaving student has a history of defiance and disobedience

Ques. 5

Stanley pokes his pencil point in Sharon's arm. The teacher gives him a stern look, and Stanley quickly puts his pencil back in his desk. The teacher's behavior is an example of:
  a. Vicarious punishment
  b. Cueing
  c. Ignoring
  d. Positive behavioral support

Ques. 6

As a teacher, you are apt to find that the parents of a few of your students will have little involvement in their children's education. Three of the following statements are accurate with regard to such parents. Which statement is not accurate?
  a. Inadequate child care may prevent them from getting involved in school activities.
  b. They may have had bad experiences at school when they themselves were children.
  c. Their lack of involvement usually reflects a lack of interest in their child's academic performance.
  d. They may think that they shouldn't bother school personnel with their questions and concerns.

Ques. 7

Three of the following are recommended strategies for getting students' parents involved in their children's education. Which one is not recommended?
  a. Visit students' families at home if such visits are welcome.
  b. Invite parents to share their unique talents with students.
  c. Ask that visits to class be limited to immediate family members.
  d. Find people who can interpret for parents who speak little or no English.

Ques. 8

Which one of the following alternatives best illustrates collective self-efficacy of teachers?
  a. The teachers at West Middle School confer weekly about students who are at risk for academic failure, and they are confident that by working together they can help these students be successful at school.
  b. The teachers at South Elementary School have coordinated what they do at each grade level so that at any particular grade, students master the knowledge and skills they will need in the subsequent grade.
  c. The English teachers at East High School have agreed on how they will teach the required freshman English class. That way, students will have a similar classroom experience no matter which teacher they have for the course.
  d. A third-grade teacher and a fourth-grade teacher at North Elementary School have combined their two classes into one large class. Sometimes they team-teach the entire group. At other times they divide the class into two smaller groups, one of which is ready for more advanced work than the other.

Ques. 9

The textbook recommends that teachers coordinate their efforts with people in the community at large. Which one of the following examples most clearly illustrates the spirit of its recommendation?
  a. Ms. Argersinger asks students to use their new vocabulary words when they have conversations at home with their parents.
  b. Mr. Byers spends one Saturday a month in the local university library keeping up to date on the latest educational research.
  c. Ms. Chimenis brings a newspaper article to class that describes recent advances in genetic engineering.
  d. Mr. Deyermond consults with a parole officer about how they might work together to keep several at-risk students in school.

Ques. 10

Ms. Girardi, a sixth-grade teacher, is explaining an assignment. She notices two students passing notes to one another. While continuing to discuss the assignment, she moves toward the students and confiscates the written notes.
  Then she walks back to the front of the class without discontinuing her lecture and asks Mark (who seems to be daydreaming) to answer a question. This scenario best illustrates which one of the following classroom management skills?
   a. Negative reinforcement
   b. Withitness
   c. Scaffolding
   d. Planning for transitions

Ques. 11

Many students in Ms. Janklow's class seem to have little intrinsic motivation for learning math, science, or social studies. Their minds are more apt to be on peer relationships (who the popular kids are, who bullies whom in the schoolyard, etc.)
  than on their studies. Without knowing anything else about Ms. Janklow's students, your best guess would be that they are:
   a. Kindergartners
   b. Second graders
   c. Fourth graders
   d. Seventh graders
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6 years ago
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