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ashtin6 ashtin6
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6 years ago
If you were a junior high school teacher, what strategies might you use to make new students feel more comfortable and secure?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

What functions do friendships, like that of Sandy and Suzanne, serve for children and adolescents? With these functions in mind, explain why Sandy is torn about whether to be truthful with Mr. Wadsworth.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

Draw on research findings regarding the effective use of reinforcement and punishment in the classroom to describe how you might improve on Ms. Stanton's chip strategy.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

An attribution is an individual's causal explanation for a success or failure. To what does Karen attribute Claire's success in French?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

After implementing the marble jar procedure, Mr. Fenwick finds some behaviors occurring regularly and decides that he doesn't need to reinforce them as frequently as he has in the past. Which concept from behaviorist theories of learning is Mr. Fenwick applying here?
  a. Generalization
  b. Primary reinforcement
  c. Classical conditioning
  d. Intermittent reinforcement

Ques. 6

Which one of the following parenting styles best characterizes the approach Jefferson's mother takes in raising her son?
  a. Permissive
  b. Uninvolved
  c. Authoritative
  d. Authoritarian

Ques. 7

A contingency contract is a formal written agreement between a teacher and a student that specifies acceptable behaviors the student will demonstrate and the reinforcers that a teacher will award for those behaviors. When Ms. Stanton develops a contingency contract for Jefferson, she violates one of the basic guidelines for such contracts. What mistake does she make?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

What advantages are there in placing Tyler in Allie Schenk's classroom for most or all of the school day?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Following are examples of possible strategies:
 Create opportunities in which students can form new friendships (e.g., have assigned seats, incorporate cooperative learning activities into weekly activities).
 Spend a little one-on-one time with each student.
 Scaffold students' efforts at skills that may not have been expected in elementary school

Answer to #2

Children's and adolescents' friendships serve several purposes, including the following:
 Friends are powerful socialization agents who encourage appropriate ways of acting.
 Peer interactions provide an arena for learning and practicing social skills.
 Friends provide social and emotional support.
 Friendships afford youngsters the opportunity to engage in activities that they find mutually meaningful and enjoyable.
Thus Sandy is faced with a difficult decision. She must choose between her obligations to her friend and her responsibilities to Mr. Wadsworth. She no doubt realizes that being truthful with Mr. Wadsworth will result in the loss of Suzanne's friendship and its many benefits.

Answer to #3

There are many possible answers to this question. Following are examples:
 Research indicates that reinforcement and punishment used in combination are more likely to be effective than using just one or the other. The chip strategy focuses more on what Jefferson should not do than on what he should do. Ms. Stanton occasionally praises Jefferson for appropriate behavior, but perhaps concrete reinforcers for desired behaviors (e.g., points earned toward a desired object or privilege) might be helpful.
 Jefferson seems to be especially interested in gaining other people's attention. Teaching

Answer to #4

She attributes Claire's success to the fact that her parents are French. In other words, Karen thinks Claire has an inherited ability to succeed in learning the language. Thus, she is attributing Claire's success to an internal, stable, and uncontrollable cause.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7

She develops the contract unilaterally. Experts recommend that a contingency contract be developed jointly by the teacher and the student.

Answer to #8

Possible advantages include the following:
 Tyler can have the same instructional and recreational opportunities that the other students do.
 The other students can model what normal behavior is when someone is frustrated.
 Tyler can make friendships with children who are close to him in age. This is probably not possible in Sharon Osmer's resource room, in which the students are apt to be of varying ages and all work independently at separate work stations.
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