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wonuoha wonuoha
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6 years ago
Which of the following characteristics of effective communication refers to instruction that is thematic and leads to a point?
  a. Transition signals
  b. Connected discourse
  c. Emphasis
  d. Precise language

Ques. 2

Marta Reyon was reflecting on the problem of Luiz. He was in her third-period English class, and he was failing. She had tried gentle reminders to him to complete his work and made sure she recognized him when he did so; she had tried simplifying directions; she had tried counseling him; she had tried drawing him out in class and elaborating on his comments and questions. So far, none of those has really worked for very long, she mused, I know I can get him to learn. I wonder what I should try next. I think I'll call his parents and ask for their help. Which of the following statements best describes Marta's behavior in the episode you just read?
  a. She has demonstrated high teaching efficacy.
  b. She has demonstrated modeling and vicarious learning.
  c. She has demonstrated effective organizational skills.
  d. She has demonstrated a commitment to ethnic diversity.

Ques. 3

Roger is a world history teacher. He peppers his presentation with questions to the students in the class. If Roger's behavior is consistent with existing research, which of the following students is Roger most likely to call on?
  a. Pete, a low achiever.
  b. Jon, a passive student who rarely participates in class.
  c. Burton, who tends to be disruptive.
  d. Fritz, a high-achieving student.

Ques. 4

Which of the following characteristics of effective communication refers to the cues that alert students to important information in a lesson?
  a. Transition signals
  b. Connected discourse
  c. Emphasis
  d. Precise language

Ques. 5

As he prepares lesson plans, Ben Davis always begins with a specific objective, such as, Students will understand and be able to identify examples of ratios in their day-to-day experience. He then writes, Have students describe the ratio of girls to boys in the class. Have them describe the ratio of boys to girls. Have them identify some additional personalized examples.
  Ben then conducts his lesson, during which several examples of ratios are discussed and explained. On Friday he gives the students a quiz, and the following is one of the items on the
  You're riding your bike along a bike path in your neighborhood, and you meet 6 people jogging, 8 people walking, and 5 people on bicycles. Counting yourself, what is the ratio of people on bikes to
  people on foot? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.
  Was Ben's instruction aligned? Explain why it was or why it was not?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

All the actions teachers take to help students reach their learning objectives best describe which of the following? Students will learn to write original poems using iambic pentameter. Into which cell of the taxonomy table would this objective be best classified?
  a. A task analysis
  b. A standard
  c. An assessment
  d. A learning activity

Ques. 7

You want your students to understand the rules for punctuating singular and plural possessive nouns and how to differentiate them from contractions. You display a paragraph with sentences in it, such as:
  All the boys' and girls' parents were invited to the school's open house. One boy's parents couldn't make it, so his grandparents came instead. A women's club provided refreshment, and one woman's comment, I can't tell you how much I enjoy this kind of thing, was significant.
  You have your students study the paragraph and use questioning to guide them to an understanding of the differences in the use of the apostrophes.
  Your actionsdisplaying the paragraph and using your questioning to help your students understand the rulesbest illustrate which of the following?
  a. A standard
  b. A learning objective
  c. A learning activity
  d. A task analysis
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Ben's instruction was aligned, because his learning activity was consistent with his objective, and his assessment was consistent with both his objective and his learning activity

Answer to #6


Answer to #7

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