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hawkmom52 hawkmom52
Posts: 338
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6 years ago
Katrina, a second grader, believes that 1/4 is a larger quantity than 1/3, and you believe it is probably because 4 is larger than 3 . Of the following, which is the most effective way to help her eliminate this misconception?
  a. Explain that the numbers are in the denominator, and when numbers are in denominators, larger numbers represent smaller quantities.
  b. Ask her to provide as complete an explanation as possible for why she thinks 1/4 is a larger quantity than 1/3
  c. Write 1/3 and 1/4 on the board, and explain that the 1/3 means the quantity is one third of a larger quantity and the 1/4 is one fourth of a larger quantity, so the one fourth must be smaller.
  d. Fold a piece of paper into fourths and another identical piece of paper into thirds, and show her that the 1/3 is larger than the 1/4

Ques. 2

The construction of misconceptions is related to the principles of cognitive learning theory. Of the following, which principle best explains why people construct misconceptions?
  a. Learners construct understanding that makes sense to them.
  b. Social interaction facilitates learning.
  c. Meaningful learning occurs within real-world tasks.
  d. Learning requires practice and feedback.

Ques. 3

Mr. Andriesse chose to teach the concepts metaphor and simile together. Based on research examining effective ways of teaching concepts, which of the following is the most likely reason that he would choose to teach the concepts together?
  a. Since simile and metaphor are closely related, examples of one could serve as nonexamples for the other.
  b. Teaching the concepts together would provide less for Mr. Andriesse to remember, so teaching them together would be less likely to overload his working memory.
  c. Teaching the concepts together would help him capitalize on the process of generalization; reinforcing the students for correctly identifying similes would also reinforce them for correctly identifying metaphors.
  d. Teaching the concepts together would make it more efficient for Mr. Andriesse to model correct classifications of the concepts.

Ques. 4

In teaching the concept culture, which of the following would be the best way to increase conceptual understanding?
  a. Have the students read about the topic of culture.
  b. Schedule a video that talks about a different culture.
  c. Invite guest speakers to come to discuss their attitudes toward different cultural groups.
  d. Have students provide their own unique examples of cultures.

Ques. 5

Which of the following is the most likely reason that misconceptions exist?
  a. Students have been reinforced for the misconception in the past.
  b. Students have seen the misconception repeatedly modeled by their teacher.
  c. Students have prior experiences that are consistent with the misconception.
  d. Students' parents also hold the same misconception.

Ques. 6

You are about to begin your day's learning activity. The students are watching you and are ready to begin. Research indicates that an effective beginning point in the learning process is review in the form of statements such as, OK, now describe in your own words what we did yesterday, to serve as a springboard for the day's lesson. Using review in this way best illustrates an attempt to capitalize primarily on which of the following strategies for promoting meaningful encoding?
  a. Organization
  b. Imagery
  c. Rehearsal
  d. Schema activation

Ques. 7

Of the following, to understand the concept adjective most effectively, which would be the most important nonexample?
  a. Designed
  b. Experiment
  c. Carefully
  d. Karen

Ques. 8

Describe the characteristics of a community of learners, and provide an example of each.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 9

Learning scientists have come to several conclusions about learning and teaching. Which of the following is not one of those conclusions?
  a. Learning requires feedback and appropriate reinforcement.
  b. Useful learning requires deep conceptual understanding.
  c. Schooling must shift its focus from teaching to learning.
  d. Learners' brains function in collaboration with the rest of their bodies.

Ques. 10

Learning as it exists in real-world settings and how learning may be facilitated both with and without technology best describes which of the following?
  a. Cognitive constructivism
  b. Situated cognition
  c. Appropriated understanding
  d. The learning sciences

Ques. 11

Periodically, Judy will give her students problems that are challenging enough so that they struggle. When they do, she models the thinking needed to attack the problems, uses questioning to guide them through solutions to similar problems, and emphasizes that they put their increasing understanding into words in each case. As their understanding increases, she continues to give them increasingly challenging problems. Which of the following is Judy most nearly applying with this approach to problem solving?
  a. A cognitive apprenticeship
  b. Sociocultural learning theory
  c. Cognitive constructivism
  d. Situated cognition

Ques. 12

As a teacher, you're aware of the possibility of interference in your students. Of the following, which teacher question is likely the most effective in helping prevent interference?
  a. What is another example of our idea?
  b. What would happen if we changed the first half of our problem?
  c. How does this example illustrate our idea?
  d. How is this different from yesterday's topic?

Ques. 13

Which of the following best describes the change in Justin's thinking from a cognitive constructivist perspective?
  a. Justin didn't understand the difference between the concepts force and work, and his understanding developed because he imitated Tahlia's thinking.
  b. Justin's equilibrium with respect to the concepts force and work was disrupted, and heindividuallyreestablished it by changing his thinking.
  c. Justin's equilibrium with respect to the concepts force and work was disrupted, and he re-established it as a direct result of his conversation with Tahlia.
  d. Justin didn't understand the difference between the concepts force and work, and his understanding evolved as a direct result of the dialogue with Tahlia.
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