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poopyhead poopyhead
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6 years ago
Suppose that you have a student who is acting out in your class. Describe the steps you would follow in designing an applied behavior analysis plan to help the student learn to behave more acceptably.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

You are sitting in the workroom of your school with a faculty member who has just said, I got sick of the students' continually talking today, so I fixed them. I doubled their homework assignment. I had assigned the odd problems at the end of the section, and now they get to do all the problems.
  You comment courteously, I'm not sure that's a good idea.
  Why not? your colleague retorts. It stopped the talking.
  Using classical conditioning as a basis for your response, explain why using homework as a form of punishment is not a good idea.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

Operant conditioning is also involved in the case study. Carefully describe the operant conditioning component including an identification of the concepts involved.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Mr. Anderson uses timeout as a technique in his classroom. When students misbehave, they are sent to an area to the side of the class, where he can still see what is going on, but he can't interact with any other student. Depending on the infraction, students spend a designated number of minutes in the timeout area. Mr. Anderson's technique most nearly illustrates use of which of the following?
  a. Presentation punishment
  b. Removal punishment
  c. Positive reinforcement
  d. Vicarious punishment

Ques. 5

Donna and John are two students in your second-grade class. If they are consistent with patterns identified by research, which of the following is the most accurate statement?
  a. Donna and John are about equally likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).
  b. Donna is slightly more likely than John to be diagnosed as having ADHD.
  c. John is slightly more likely than Donna to be diagnosed as having ADHD.
  d. John is much (three to nine times) more likely than Donna to be diagnosed as having ADHD.

Ques. 6

Sheila, a junior in high school, is talking to her friend Ann on the phone. Are you ready for Friday night's game? Ann asks her excitedly. I'm not going to be able to go, Sheila responds, crestfallen. My folks won't let me go out for a month. I flunked both physics and history, and they're berserk. I don't know what to think. I can't even go out with Tim, and I don't know how he's going to react.
  Not letting Sheila go out and not letting her date Tim best illustrate which of the following according to behaviorism?
  a. Positive reinforcement
  b. Presentation punishment
  c. Negative reinforcement
  d. Removal punishment

Ques. 7

Mrs. Thornton gives a quiz every Friday in her pre-algebra class. Of the following, for the students who do well on the quiz, the quiz best illustrates:
  a. a form of continuous reinforcement.
  b. a form of shaping.
  c. a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement.
  d. a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement.

Ques. 8

Assertive discipline is a behavioral approach to classroom management. Assertive discipline suggests that a teacher state rules in clear, simple, concise terms, and the first time the student breaks the rule, his/her name is written on the board. Each infraction thereafter results in a check by the name, and four checks leads to 1/2 hour of detention. The detention best illustrates:
  a. positive reinforcement.
  b. negative reinforcement.
  c. removal punishment.
  d. extinction.

Ques. 9

Luke hits his dog. Mom decides that when he hits the dog, she will put him in his room for 3 minutes. His hitting behavior has decreased. Mom's putting Luke in his room illustrates which type of operant conditioning?
  a. Positive reinforcement
  b. Negative reinforcement
  c. Presentation punishment
  d. Removal punishment
Read 119 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Applied behavior analysis includes the following steps: (1) identify the target behavior, such as focusing on the student acting out; (2) establish a baseline, such as identifying the number of times per class period that the student is acting out; (3) choose reinforcers and punishers, if necessary, such as giving the student tokens for acting out no more than once per period, or, as a punisher, putting the student in timeout when he acts out; (4) measure changes in behavior, such as identifying the number of times the student acts out seeing if the number is decreasing, and

Answer to #2

Through classical conditioning, homework, which is initially a neutral stimulus, can become associated with the event of being punished (the UCS). Being punished can cause negative emotions (UCR). Because of homework being associated with punishment, the homework becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS), which produces negative emotions as conditioned responses

Answer to #3

When Russell's mother lets him stay home, an aversive event

Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7


Answer to #8


Answer to #9

poopyhead Author
6 years ago
Appreciate this a lot, answers were right.
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