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poopy199 poopy199
Posts: 359
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6 years ago
Which of the following quotes is a statement of self-concept?
  a. I remember the first day of high school when I didn't know anyone else or have a clue about what to do or where to go.
  b. I plan to go to college and major in music, but I don't know what I'll do after that.
  c. I don't have very many books on my shelves because I don't like to read paper copies.
  d. I'm not good at solving interpersonal conflicts, but I am good at solving math problems.

Ques. 2

Which of the following children seems to have the most well developed theory of mind?
  a. Stefano's favorite flavor of popsicle is green, so he told his mom to give his friend a green popsicle too.
  b. Gina saved a seat for her friend, but the friend sat next to someone else.Gina didn't really care. She was interested in the play.
  c. Darby realized that Bryson didn't mean to step on her when he moved his desk into place for group work, so she didn't make an issue of it.
  d. Grant apologized for breaking his friend's toy after his friend threatened to tell his mom about the incident. Grant knew his mom always made him say he was sorry.

Ques. 3

Quin makes sure everyone follows the rules of the game exactly as they are written on the box. His sister insists that they can alter the rules to make the game go faster, but Quin refuses to consider such a change. He tells her no one can win if they don't follow the rules. According to Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, what level of moral development is Quin demonstrating?
  a. Conventional
  b. Amoral
  c. Postconventional
  d. Preconventional

Ques. 4

Students are working in groups. In one group, students make the following comments. Which student uses episodic memory in a comment?
  a. We remember the facts the teacher wrote on the board. We can use that information.
  b. Look in the glossary to find the definition. I'll check the index for the reference I saw when I was reading.
  c. Remember the information from chapter 7 . Try to use that information to answer the question.
  d. This is like the time we came up with a skit for Mr. Meeks in speech class and we all missed the point.

Ques. 5

Ashton is one of Mrs. O'Connor's students. She is working on a math task that requires the use of a formula. She tries one formula and gets the wrong answer. She checks her work and realizes she is using the wrong formula. She tries a different formula and gets the right answer. What type of knowledge does she demonstrate as she decides which formulato use?
  a. Declarative knowledge
  b. Conditional knowledge
  c. Procedural knowledge
  d. Elaborative knowledge

Ques. 6

Ms. Costello suspects that several of her students cheat on assignments and tests. What actions might she take if she wants to reduce the temptation for students to cheat in her classroom?
  a. Keep pressure on students by maintaining specified time constraints on assignments and tests.
  b. Assign reasonable workloads that challenge students without causing them to feel overwhelmed.
  c. Avoid creating an environment of distrust that develops when teachers monitor students closely during tests.
  d. Encourage students to pursue performance goals and keep their grades high to increase the likelihood of acceptance into the university of their choice.

Ques. 7

Which of the following students is LEAST likely to cheat on the upcoming calculus test?
  a. Skylar is focused on performance goals in calculus class and is determined to make a good grade.
  b. Ramon's dad cheats on his taxes, but he has taught his son to do his best, be satisfied with his best, and never cheat on tests.
  c. Jaclyn wants to get accepted into a special math program, so she's interested in learning calculus as preparation for more difficult math challenges.
  d. Mark is taking calculus only because his mom insisted, but he doesn't really care about his grade.

Ques. 8

The following teachers are using recommended strategies for stopping problems quickly in the classroom. Which teacher is using the most intrusive approach?
  a. Mr. Allen made eye contact with Sylvia and shook his head slightly to signal that she needed to stop her disruptive behavior.
  b. Ms. Ramos told Bart in a firm voice to stop the disruptive behavior.
  c. Mrs. Tilley directed a question to Alex to redirect his attention and get him to stop his disruptive behavior.
  d. Mr. Kim asked Kyley to state the correct procedure for inserting her opinions into the class discussion.
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poopy199 Author

6 years ago
this is exactly what I needed

Correct Slight Smile TY

2 hours ago
Good timing, thanks!
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