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lauracecii93 lauracecii93
Posts: 369
Rep: 0 0
6 years ago
According to statistics from the Department of Justice regarding incidents of school violence
  a. School violence has slightly increased over the last decade.
  b. School violence is on the decline.
  c. School violence has remained stable over the last two decades.
  d. There has been a dramatic increase in school violence over the last decade.

Ques. 2

_______ is a procedure to reduce or eliminate a behavior by removing access to all sources of reinforcement.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 3

Kounin's concept of withitness refers to the teacher's ability to
  a. Monitor and be aware what is going on in the classroom even during small group instruction
  b. Be in tune with the likes and dislikes of today's children and youth
  c. Stay calm in the classroom
  d. Pick out the potential bullies in the classroom

Ques. 4

According to Reeve (2006) depending on how they are used, rewards can have a paradoxical effect of
  a. Enhancing competence but decreasing autonomy
  b. Enhancing autonomy but increasing relatedness
  c. Enhancing autonomy but decreasing competence
  d. Increasing intrinsic motivation but decreasing competence

Ques. 5

A behavior contract might include all of the following EXCEPT:
  a. A backup plan in case the contract is unsuccessful
  b. The reinforcement that the student will receive
  c. Clear behavior objectives
  d. Review dates to evaluate performance

Ques. 6

According to the research of Schunk (2003), students prefer
  a. Easy learning goals
  b. Difficult learning goals that they perceive are within their grasp
  c. Long range learning goals
  d. None of the above

Ques. 7

Principles that help determine how to effectively apply reinforcement for desired behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT:
  a. Immediacy
  b. Proximity
  c. Novelty
  d. Consistency

Ques. 8

According to Reeve, to avoid undermining intrinsic motivation the purpose of a reward should be to
  a. Control behavior in the classroom
  b. Provide feedback regarding performance
  c. Engage learners in a task
  d. Reward learners for completion of a task

Ques. 9

Artificial reinforcers should be removed as quickly as possible without decreasing the probability of the display of the desired behavior.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 10

One of the advantages of positive reinforcement over negative reinforcement is avoiding the use of aversives.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 11

Research regarding the use of peers as a source of support in the classroom indicates that
  a. Typically, merely placing a student in close proximity of a socially competent peer is adequate for addressing behavioral issues.
  b. Putting peers in the role of tutors or monitors yields both academic and social benefits
  c. Putting students with behavioral problems in proximity with socially competent peers tends to engage socially competent peers in inappropriate behavior.
  d. Peer tutoring yields academic benefits but no social benefits

Ques. 12

When faced with complex or difficult tasks, a teacher should make them more likely to be completed by either breaking them down into simpler steps or implementing shaping procedures
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 13

Which of the following is TRUE about reinforcement?
  a. Reinforcement, reward, and bribe are synonomous
  b. Misbehavior can be attributed to a poor home life, which is inherently unchangeable by reinforcement
  c. Reinforcement is a necessary component of instruction
  d. Students should function without the presence of reinforcement, and should not be rewarded for doing things they're supposed to do
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6 years ago
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